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作者:御狐神2023-08-18 16:38:41

导读:篇一:八上英语教案参考 1. over the years 经过许多年后 2. have an effect on 对…有影响 (=affect) 3. make good money 很赚钱 4. raise/keep/feed pigs 养猪 5. make use of 利用 6. take note of 记录; 记笔记 7.... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!



  1. over the years 经过许多年后

  2. have an effect on 对…有影响 (=affect)

  3. make good money 很赚钱

  4. raise/keep/feed pigs 养猪

  5. make use of 利用

  6. take note of 记录; 记笔记

  7. as far as i can see 依我看(=in my opinion)

  8. as…as possible 尽可能

  9. bring in 带来; 引进

  10. the international exchange of delegations 代表团之间的交流

  11. be harmful to 对…有害

  12. depend on 依靠;依赖 (rely on)

  13. as well as 也, 还

  14. not only …but also.. 引导并列句,前句倒装

  not only is reading important, but also speaking is a necessary part of learning english.

  15. not…but… 不是…而是…

  16. protect…from… 保护…免受…的伤害

  17. stand for 代表

  18. in other words 换句话说

  19. a variety of 各种各样的 (=various)

  20. do research into 对…进行研究

  21. learn from 向…学习

  22. instructions for making wine 酿酒说明

  23. a practical guide to farming 很实用的农耕指南

  24. at the right/correct/wrong time of the year (不)适时的

  25. go against 违反;违背

  26. remove weeds 除草

  27. plough deep the first time 第一次深耕

  28. year after year 年复一年 (=every year)

  29. harvest good crops 获得好收成

  30. pass on (from generation to generation) (一代一代)传下来


  1. be short of 缺乏;短缺

  2. add…to… 把…添加到…

  3. from time to time = now and then 时不时的; 偶尔的

  4. at an early age 小时候

  5. fall in love with sb. 爱上某人 (短暂性)

  be in love with sb 爱着某人 (持续性)

  6. rise up to the sky 上天

  7. search for 寻找 (=look for; hunt for)

  8. all of this is new. 这一切都是崭新的。

  9. in the past 过去

  10. wash away 冲走

  11. as a result (of…) (由于…的)结果

  12. be covered with 被…覆盖

  13. to one’s joy/delight 使某人感到高兴的是




  四年级学生已经进行了一年的英语学习,对英语有了一定的了解,学生掌握了一定的基本知识,养成了学习英语的兴趣。在这个学期的教学中,仍然要求学生从基础学起,在教学中培养学生良好的学习习惯,使他们养成学习英语的兴趣,树立学习的自信心,始终保持高昂、积极的热情。学生的学习能力参差不齐,但也有个别学生纪律差,学习跟不上,经常不完成作业, 因此,本学期根据学生的具体情况,根据学生的个体差异,因材施教,采取灵活多样的教学方法,保持英语学习的爱好。针对这种情况,我成立了英语兴趣小组和差生辅导小组,以抓两头来带动中间一大部分同学,可以采取优帮差,结对子,一帮一,一对红的形式。另外,再针对个人,制定出比较详细的辅导计划,在平时的日常教学中加以实施,真正让班上每个同学都能尽可能的掌握好本学期所学教材。




  素质教育要求培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,实现全面发展。为此,本教材并不是单纯的英语语言教材,而是有利于促进学生全面发展、培养学生创新精神和实践能力 、具有丰富的文化内涵的教材 。这套教材在培养学生的英语语言能力的同时,以素质教育为核心,以提高学生的全面发展为根本目的,促进在德、智、体、美、劳等方面全面发展,开发学生的潜力 ,培养他们的创新精神,引导他们形成开放的合理的跨文化认知与理解观念。

  面向世界,面向现代化,面向未来 是素质教育的重要内涵。本教材坚持体现这一教育思想,使学生学会在一个不断变化的多元化的人类社会中生存与发展,并为人类的持续发展做出应有的贡献。

  学会学习和发展是素质教育的要求。英语是中小学阶段的一门重要学科,而中小学阶段的教育属于基础教育。基础教育阶段是人的终身教育和终身发展最重要的阶段,它将决定人的终身发展奠定基础。因此,本教材努力为 学生的终身发展奠定坚实的语言基础,从而使学生获得实现人的可持续发展和人的主体精神的自我完善和发展所必须的英语语言能力和文化素质。

  因此,整套教材都始终注意培养学生的学习方法、创新能力、主体意识、独立工作能力、逻辑思维能力 、观察判断能力等。联系的设计可能按照运用任务设计,避免单纯的模仿和机械的重复或脱离上下文的孤立的猜选;联系体的内容尽可能激发学生的兴趣和好奇心以及求知欲;同时全套教材一直坚持努力做到有利于儿童和青少年身心的可持续发展和终身学习能力的形成。



  四、 教材重点难点




















  广州南武中学 朱琼

  teaching aims and demands

  1. topic: traveling; describing a journey

  2. vocabulary and useful expressions:

  journal, fare, transport, finally, cycle, persuade, insist, proper, properly, determine, rapid, valley, waterfall, plain, attitude, shorts, camp, record, afterthought, topic, familiar, brave

  change one’s mind, give in

  3. function:

  good wishes:

  have a good day/time!

  have a good journey/trip!

  good luck!

  enjoy yourself!

  best wishes to you.

  happy new year!

  merry christmas!

  happy birthday!

  thank you.

  you, too.

  the same to you.

  means of transportation:

  walking, cycling, horse riding, taking buses/trains/boats/planes

  4. grammar: 现在进行表将来

  where are you going on holiday?

  i am going to hawaii on holiday.

  when are we coming back?

  teaching procedure:

  period 1.

  step 1.warming up

  1. ask some questions:

  do you often travel? where have you been?

  2. following the steps of the warm-up on page 17.

  step 2. pre-reading

  1. show some traveling pictures of the teacher’s.

  2. ask ss : which river is the longest one in the world and which is the largest one; which river is the longest one in china.

  3. ask ss: how people who live along a river use it.

  step 3. while-reading

  1. scanning: ss read quickly and answer:

  what are they going to do?

  2. skimming: ss read again and finish comprehending 1 on page 19.

  3. ss read and get the main ideas of each paragraph.

  4. ss list the countries that the mekong river flows through.

  step 4. after-reading

  ss in pairs and discuss: wang wei’s and wang kun’s similar and different attitudes about the trip.

  similar attitudes about the trip different attitudes about the trip

  both wang wei and wang kun think…

  1. taking this trip is a dream come true.

  2. that they will enjoy this trip a lot.

  3. they should see a lot of the mekong.

  4. that most of the mekong will be found in southeast asia. wang wei believes…

  1. they must start in qinghai where the river begins /see all of the mekong.

  2. that they don’t need to prepare much

  wang kun believes…

  1. it is too cold and high to start in qinghai.

  2. that using an atlas is very important.

  step 5. assignment

  1. surf the internet and get more information about the mekong river.

  2. retell the passage use your own words.

  period 2.

  step 1. warming up

  ask some ss to retell the passage that they have learnt last period.

  step 2. learning about the language

  teacher explain some language points in the text on page 18.

  1. persuade sb. into /out of sth.: cause sb (not) to do sth by arguing or reasoning with him 说服或劝说某人(不)做某事

  he is easily persuaded.

  wang kun couldn’t persuade his sister to change her mind.

  persuade sb (that clause): cause sb to believe sth; convince sb. 使某人信服

  how can i persuade you that i am telling the truth?

  2. insist(v. ): demand (sth) forcefully, not accepting a refusal 坚持或坚决要求;

  since he insisted, i had to stay.

  insist on sth/doing sth: require or demand ; refuse to accept an alternative 一定要(某事物),坚决主张

  she insists on getting up early and playing her radio loud.

  3. care about: be worried, concerned or interested 忧虑,关心,惦念

  don’t you care about anybody?

  i don’t care about what happens to him.

  care for /to do: be willing or agree to do sth.; wish or like to do sth.

  would you care a drink?

  would you care to go for a walk?

  care for sb.

  1). like or love sb.

  he cares for her deeply.

  2). look after sb; take care of sb; be responsible for sb

  who will care for your child if you are out?

  4. once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it. 她一旦下了决心,什么也不能使她改变。

  once: adv.

  1). for one time 一次

  i have only been here once.

  2). at some time in the past 一度;曾经

  he once lived in zambia.

  3). all at once: suddenly 突然

  all at once the door opened.

  conj. = as soon as 一旦;一…就…

  once you understand this rule, you’ll have no further difficulty.

  step 3. practice

  1. ss finish ex 1 and 2 on page 20 by themselves.

  2. check the answer.

  3. ss do ex 3. on page 20.

  4. teacher gives ss suggested answer and tell them why if the ss have any problem.

  step 4. assignment

  1. learn the useful expressions by heart.

  2. finish wb. ex1 on page 56.

  3. finish wb. ex 2 on page 57.

  period 3.

  step 1. revision

  check the answers of wb ex 1 and 2 on page 56 and 57.

  step 2. discoverig useful structures

  1. ss look at the following sentences and underline the verbs.

  are you working this evening?

  we’re having an english party this weekend.

  he is leaving tomorrow.

  let ss themselves find the rules and tell what tense they are used.

  2. ss finish the dialogue on page 21 and pay attention to the tense.

  suggested answers:

  are going, going, going/traveling, staying, are coming, coming, are going,

  3. ss finish part 3 on page 21.

  step 3. talking

  1. ss four in one group and have a discussion about the topic on page 55.

  2. ss make a list about the objects: which is the most useful and which is the least useful and why.

  the most useful objects the least useful objects

  3. ss show their result to the class.

  step 4. speaking

  1. ss work in pairs and discuss: what do you think a dam does to a river and the people who live on it?

  2. make a list of some good and bad things a dam does.

  3. discuss your report with your classmates and then show it in class.

  step 5. assignment

  finish wb ex 1 using structures on page 57.

  period 4.

  step 1. warming up

  ask ss some questions about journey down the mekong (i).

  1. what was wang kun and wang wei’s dream?

  2. what can they see when they travel along the mekong?

  3. will they have some difficulties in their journey? what are they?

  step 2. reading

  1. ss read the passage : a night in the mountains and answer the following questions:

  how does wang kun feel about the trip now?

  what do you think has changed his attitude?

  2. ss make a dialogue about things happen the next morning before wang kun and wang wei leave their camp.

  3. show the dialogue to the class.

  step 3. reading

  1. ss read the passage: the end of our journey on page 59

  2. ss fill in the form with the information from the travel journal.

  topic laos cambodia vietnam





  period 5. (listening)

  step 1. listening

  1. ss listen to part 3 and tick the words they hear on page 23.

  2. ss listen to the tape again and fill in the chart.

  topic southwest china laos

  local name of the river

  uses of the river

  what to see


  step 2. listening

  ss listen to part 4 and finish ex1 and 2 on wb, page 55.

  step 3. listening task

  1. ss listen to part 5 and finish wb. ex 1 on page 58.

  2. ss listen to the tape again and fill in the information on the chart.

  topic laos

  the river

  methods of land transport

  life in the villages


  period 6. (writing )

  step 1. pre-writing

  1. ss read the passage and get the general idea about it.

  2. ss make a list of details from the travel journal that you believe are real and you don’t believe are real.

  step 2. while-writing

  1. ss write a short letter to wang wei as one of her friend and ask her to describe: how she feels, what she is doing, and some place you want to know about. then wish her well on her journey by using some of the following expressions:

  have a nice/good time.

  have a nice/good trip.

  good luck on your journey.

  say “hello” to …

  give my love/best wishes to…

  have fun.

  take care.

  write to me.

  2. ss read their writing and check the mistakes by themselves.

  3. ss exchange their writing and correct the mistakes.

  4. ss rewrite the letter again.

  step 3. after-writing

  choose some samples and show them in class.

  tips on writing:

  pay attention to the form of writing a letter.

  pay attention to the tense while writing.

  pay attention to the structures of the sentences.

  step 4. assignment

  ss in group 3-5, make an advertisement or finish the project on page 61.

  period 7.

  teachers can use this period freely.

  suggestion: teachers can use this period to let ss sum up what they have learned and explain what ss couldn’t understand very well in this unit. teachers can also add more practice in this period to consolidate what the ss have learned. finally, ask the ss to finish checking yourself on page 61. it is very important to improve their learning.




  anecdote, annual, witness, accommodation, shore, yell, pack, flee, drag, depth, lip, tongue, abandon, relationship, help out




  step1 lead –in &warming-up(5mins)


  t: have you seen plants andanimals that live under the sea? where did you see them? what’s this? yes,they’re killer whales。 how much do you know about them? i’ll show you a shortvideo。

  ?意图说明】在读前这个环节,通过几个问题,激发学生原有的对海洋生物的知识储备,再展示一些相关的图片,认识一些常见海底动物的英文名称。最后出现虎鲸的形象,以抛出问题what’sthis? how much do you know about them?来引出今天阅读的主角——虎鲸。先播放一段视频——“虎鲸捕猎”的场面。

  step2 pre-reading (predicting)(2mins)

  t: now please look at the title“is old tom an old man?” right, it’s notan old man。 it’s the name of a killer whale。 here are two pictures of thekiller whale。 can you guess what happened to him?


  step3 while-reading (28mins)

  task 1 fast-reading(3mins)

  what’s the main idea of the passage? read the passage quickly and completethe following sentences。

  the text consists of two ________written by clancy。they are mainly about how old tom helped the whalers ________a whale and savedjames from the _______。

  explain new words:

  anecdote: short, usuallyamusing story about a real person or event


  task 2 careful-reading(3mins)

  read the first story again and finish the chart。

  fill in the blanks。


  task 3 discussing and speaking(5mins)

  discuss in pairs and answer the following questions。

  what’s the relationshipbetween old tom and the whalers?


  task 4 read the second story again and finish the chart。(2mins)

  fill in the blanks。

  task 5 discussing and speaking(15mins)

  read the second story and answer the following questions:

  1、how did old tom help james?

  2、as far as you know , what other animals everhelp out human beings in history?




  ” 1999年《哈尔滨晚报》登载了这样一条新闻:黑龙江省阿城市有一个聋哑人,有一天坐在火车道上,当火车路过这里时,怎么鸣叫他也听不见。这时,在路边吃草的一只山羊见到了,它拼命地跑了过来,用角把这个人推出了道轨,而它来不及躲避,不幸壮烈牺牲。)

  3、what conclusion can we come to after weshare these stories?


  step4 languageappreciation(10mins)


  in the first story, which sentences do you thinkbest describe the scene of the whale hunt and the actions of old tom? in thesecond story, what scene impresses you most?


  we ran down to the shore in time to see an enormousanimal opposite us throwing itself out of the water andthen crashing down again。


  throwing itself out of the water形象地表现了鲸跃出水面的动作。throw的用法很灵活,能表达出丰富的含义。如:

  i felt discouraged when he threw cold water on myidea。


  she threw herself into a chair and began to cry。


  the fire threw hundreds of workers out of work。


  …when we approached him, i saw james being firmly held up in the water by old tom。


  step4 homework

  1、 surf the internet andlearn more about the killer whale and other marine animals。

  2、try to retell the story using your own words。






  t: good morning. boys and girls.

  c: good morning, miss zhu.

  t: look. what’s this?

  c: it’s banana.

  t: yes, very good. how many?

  c: one, two, three…….

  t: ok. let’s sing a song.


  t: today is monkey’s birthday.

  t: how old are you?

  m: i am six.


  两个两个小朋友对话:how old are you? i am six.


  t: today is monkey’s birthday. happy birthday to you.

  m: thank you.

  t: let’s sing a song. happy birthday to you













  1. 幼儿听音乐,根据自己身上的卡片,找相应的座位。

  2. 幼儿相互介绍自己身上的字和板凳上的字。

  3. 请幼儿向大家介绍自己身上和凳子上的字。







  4. 幼儿找出图片中,的“鸭”字和外国的“duck”字。

  5. 教师手指的“鸭”字或外国的“duck”字,请幼儿用不同速度的鸭子走的动作来区别它们。

  6. 请幼儿找出黑板上的的“鸭”字和外国的“duck”字和他们一起做游戏。













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