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作者:夜语轩2023-06-13 08:41:52

导读:八年级英语教案设计 篇一 Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball? Section A The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!


  八年级英语教案设计 篇一

  Unit 1 Playing Sports

  Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball?

  Section A

  The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。

  Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

  1. Learn some new words and phrases:

  almost, against, term, cheer, cheer … on, team, win, row, quite, bit, quite a bit / a lot, join, club, skate, volleyball, tennis, table tennis

  2. Learn some useful sentences:

  (1)I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays.

  (2)Would you like to come and cheer us on?

  3. Learn the future tense with be going to:

  (1)We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday.

  (2)Are you going to join the school rowing club?

  4. Talk about preferences:

  —Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing?

  —I prefer rowing.

  5. Talk about sports and games.

  Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


  Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

  Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)


  1. (展示一些有关运动的图片,并通过师生对话,引出新的运动项目名称。)

  T: Welcome back to school, boys and girls. The new term begins. This is our first English lesson this term. Did you enjoy yourselves during your summer holidays? What did you do during your holidays? Did you do sports during your summer holidays?

  Ss: …



  T: We all know doing sports is good for our health. Now let’s review some sports and learn some new ones.


  T: Look at the picture. Do you know what they are doing? S1, please.

  S1: They are playing basketball.

  T: Do you like playing basketball?

  S1: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

  T: How many players are there in the basketball team?



  S1: There are five players.


  T: What are they doing? S2, do you know?

  S2: They are playing volleyball. (教师帮助该生回答。)



  (用同样的方式引出生词cycle, row, skate, tennis, table tennis, ski。)

  (板书,并让学生跟读,要求学生理解cycle, ski;掌握row, skate, tennis, table tennis。)

  cycle, row, skate, tennis, table tennis, ski

  2. (用黑板上有关运动的生词操练,导出prefer的用法。)

  T: Which sport do you like better, cycling or rowing?

  S3: Rowing.

  T: Good! The phrase “like … better” means “prefer”.



  T: S4, which sport do you prefer, basketball or soccer?

  S4: I prefer basketball.


  Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)

  通过师生对话,呈现1a中部分生词及功能句,并使学生初步掌握be going to句型。

  1. (利用plan to do sth.,导入“be going to+do”结构。)

  T: I’m very glad you all like doing sports and know a lot about them. Do you want to play volleyball tomorrow afternoon? S1, please.

  S¬1: Yes, I do.

  T: So you plan to play volleyball tomorrow afternoon, right?

  S1: Yes.

  T: OK. When we plan to do something, we can say we are going to do something.


  be going to do sth.

  T: When I tell you my plan, you retell it with be going to. OK, boys and girls?

  Ss: OK.

  T: I plan to go out for dinner tonight. S2, please.

  S2: You are going to go out for dinner tonight.

  T: I plan to climb mountains tomorrow. S3, please.

  S3: You are going to climb mountains tomorrow.

  T: Good! When we express something that is going to happen or we plan to do something, we can use be going to.

  2. (教师让几个学生说说明天户外活动的打算,并引出be going to结构的一般疑问句式,过渡到1a。)

  T: OK, S4, please tell me what you plan to do tomorrow afternoon.

  S4: I’m going to swim with my brother tomorrow afternoon.

  T: Are you going to swim?

  S4: Yes, I am.


  —Are you going to swim?

  —Yes, I am.


  3. (展示一幅即将进行篮球赛的海报,引出单词against, cheer和短语cheer … on。)

  T: Now look at the poster. Here is the news. Our class is going to have a basketball game against Class 3 at 5:00 this afternoon. Would you like to cheer them on?

  Ss:Yes, we’d love to./I’d love to.


  against, cheer, cheer ... on


  T: Look at this picture. They are Kangkang and Michael. What are they talking about? Can you guess? Please listen to 1a and then answer the following questions.


  (1) Which class is Michael’s class going to play against?

  (2) Is Kangkang going to cheer them on?


  4. (学生朗读1a,画出疑难点和关键词,然后教师解释疑难点。)


  basketball—saw—play—almost—every day—against—Sunday—game—term—come— cheer … on—I’d love to—hope—win

  Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)


  1. (根据小黑板上的关键词,分角色表演对话。)

  T: OK. Now you can use the key words above to act out the dialog in roles.

  2. (教师引导学生,通过讨论新学期的计划来操练be going to+do句型。)


  T: S1, what are you going to do this term?

  S1: I’m going to learn English better.

  T: What about you, S2?

  S2: I’m going to study math hard.

  T: Oh, it’s a good plan. S3, do you know what your partner is going to do?

  S3: Yes. He is going to learn rowing.

  T: Discuss with your partner what you are going to do this term.

  3. (创设情景,依据1a编对话,巩固1a及be going to+do句型,完成1b。)

  T: Just now you talked about your plans for this term. Now suppose you meet your classmate on the playground and you want to talk about your plans for this week. Please make a similar conversation with your partner according to 1a. You can use the key words on the blackboard.


  be going to, play, I’m afraid, homework, summer, play against, I hope



  S4: Hi, S5.

  S5: Hi, S4. I am going to play … Are you going to play with us?

  S4: I’m afraid I can’t. I have to do my homework first. By the way, I saw you play … almost every day during the summer holidays.

  S5: Yes. You know I am going to play in the … game against Class 2 this Saturday. Would you like to come and cheer us on?

  S4: Of course. I’d love to. And I hope you will win.


  (教师出示2中运动项目的图片,引导学生巩固be going to + do句型,使他们熟练掌握其用法,并自然过渡到2。)

  Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)

  完成2和3,培养学生听说能力,并通过大量操练,使他们熟练运用含有be going to的一般疑问句及掌握prefer的用法。

  1. (通过看图片,练习be going to的用法,导入2。)

  T: Look at the pictures, what are they going to do?

  Ss: (Picture 1) They are going to go skating.

  (Picture 2) They are going to go skiing.


  T: Which sport do you prefer, … or …?

  S1: I prefer …

  T: What about you, S2?

  S2: I prefer …

  T: S3, do you often go swimming?

  S3: Yes, very often.

  T: Good. You can also say “quite a lot/a bit”. “Do you often go swimming?” means “Do you go swimming much?”

  (板书,并领读,要求学生掌握quite, bit和quite a lot/a bit。)

  quite, bit

  very often = quite a lot/a bit

  I go swimming very often.= I go swimming much.

  T: S4, do you go rowing much?

  S4: Yes, quite a lot/a bit.

  T: S5, do you go skiing much?

  S5: Yes, quite a lot / a bit.(肯)

  S6: No, seldom.(否)

  T: Oh, you don’t like sports. It isn’t good. I think you should join a sports club, and maybe you will like sports there.


  join, club

  T: Discuss with your partner which sports club you would like to join.

  S7: I am going to join the school rowing club.

  S8: …


  2. (让学生听3录音,并完成3。)

  T: Michael and Kangkang like doing sports a lot. Do you want to know what sports they often do on weekends? Listen to the tape, then fill in the chart in 3.


  3. (做一个运用“be going to+do”句型的游戏。)

  (挑选若干学生上台,做关于运动的动作,该动作要能使同学们明白并成功猜出运动名称。猜到的同学要用be going to+do询问做动作的同学,以证实自己的猜测是否正确。)

  T: Please do an action about your favorite sport.


  S9: Are you going to play basketball?

  S10: No, I’m not.

  S9: Are you going to play volleyball?

  S10: Yes, I am.



  Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)


  1. (小组活动,在小组中做采访并向全班同学作报告。)

  T: Work in groups. Ask your partner the following questions, then give a report to your classmates.

  (1)Which sport do you prefer, … or …?

  (2)Do you … much?

  (3)Are you going to … next week?

  2. Homework:

  用be going to造五个句子,要求用不同的人称、句式。


  Are you going to play basketball?

  Section A

  prefer be going to + do sth.

  cheer … on We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday.

  quite a bit / a lot Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing?

  I prefer rowing.

  Are you going to join the school rowing club?

  Yes, I am./No, I’m not. I’m going to …

  Section B

  The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。

  Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

  1. Learn some new words and phrases:

  dream, grow, grow up, future, in the future, job, active, break, record, gold, give up, shame, single

  2. Go on learning the future tense with be going to:

  —What are you going to be when you grow up?

  —I’m going to be a dancer.

  3. Talk about the favorite sports and players:

  (1)—What’s your favorite sport, Maria?

  —Basketball, of course.

  (2)—Who’s your favorite player?

  —LeBron James. / I like Yao Ming best.

  Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


  Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

  Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)


  1. (学生在小组内进行链式对话,讨论他们所喜爱的运动项目,注意使用prefer。)

  T: I know many students like sports. Please discuss in groups which sport your partners prefer. You can begin like this: S1, which sport do you prefer, skiing or rowing?

  S1: I prefer rowing. S2, which sport do you prefer, cycling or skating?

  S2: I prefer … What about you, S3?

  S3: I prefer … S4, which sport do you prefer, volleyball or soccer?

  S4: I prefer …

  2. (教师询问学生新学期计划,复习“be going to+do”。)

  T: At the beginning of the term, everyone has some plans. You are going to do a lot of things to make more progress and make your school life more interesting. Now, please tell me your plans. What are you going to do?

  S5: I’m going to join an English club.

  S6: I’m going to learn to play basketball. I want to be a good player.

  S7: …

  3. (教师通过展示图片导入本课新单词。)

  T: Look at the girl in the picture. What is she doing now?(教师指着图片问。)

  S8: She is sleeping.

  T: You’re right. And she is dreaming. She is having a class in her dream. And her dream job is to be a teacher in the future. She wants to be a teacher when she grows up.


  dream, job, future, in the future, grow, grow up

  T: We know her dream job is to be a teacher in the future. What about you?

  S9: My dream job is to be a teacher in the future.

  S10: My dream job is to be a basketball player in the future.


  T: S11, are you going to be a dancer when you grow up?(教师出示舞蹈演员的图片,帮助学生理解。)

  S11: No, I’m not.

  T: What are you going to be when you grow up?

  S11: I’m going to be a teacher.



  What are you going to be when you grow up?

  I’m going to be a teacher.


  Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)

  呈现1a,继续学习be going to的特殊疑问句式。

  1. (教师展示一些运动员的图片,如刘翔、姚明、迈克尔•菲尔普斯等,导入1a对话。)

  T: Look at the pictures. Can you tell me their names?

  Ss: They are Liu Xiang, …

  T: Who’s your favorite player, S1?

  S1: My favorite player is …

  T: What about Michael’s favorite player? Listen to the dialog in 1a and then answer the following questions:


  (1)Who’s Michael’s favorite player?

  (2)What is Michael going to be when he grows up?

  (3)What’s Maria’s dream job?


  2. (出示小黑板,依据1a完成表格。)

  T: Read 1a and complete the information about Yao Ming in the table.

  Player Yao Ming


  Play for

  T: Now let’s check the answers. Yao Ming is a basketball player. He is 2.26 meters tall. He plays for the Houston Rockets in the NBA.

  (板书并要求学生理解player, Houston Rockets;了解NBA。)


  Houston Rockets


  3. (再放1a录音,让学生跟读,并注意语音语调。)

  T: Listen to the tape again and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Go!

  Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)


  1. (让学生根据小黑板上的听力问题和表格中的信息,两人一组进行对话。)

  T: Work in pairs and act out the dialog according to the questions on the small blackboard and information in the table. Then I’ll ask two pairs to act it out in the front.

  2. (让学生四人一组讨论他们所喜欢的运动、运动明星以及未来的梦想,并完成表格。然后汇报讨论结果,完成1b。)

  T: Discuss in groups of four about your favorite sports, favorite players and your dream jobs in the future, and fill in the table in 1b. Then make a report according to 1b. In a few minutes I will ask someone to give me your report about your classmates.


  T: S1, are you ready? Please report.

  S1: Yes. She is going to be a teacher in the future. It’s her dream job. She likes sports very much because it is important to her. Her favorite sport is swimming and her favorite player is Phelps.

  Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:12分钟)


  1. (教师出示张怡宁、菲尔普斯、刘翔的图片,通过师生对话,谈论这些运动明星。)

  T: I have some photos of famous sports stars, who are they? Can you say something about them?

  S1: Zhang Yining is a table tennis player. She won the first in the Athens and Beijing Olympic Games.



  S2: Phelps is an athlete. And he is the first athlete to win so many medals at a single Olympics. (教师帮助学生回答。)

  T: Do you know an active runner named Liu Xiang?

  S3: Yes.


  athlete, single, active, runner

  T: Do you like him?

  S3: Of course, I do.

  T: OK. Do you know anything about him?

  S3: …


  T: As we know, Liu Xiang is one of the best runners in the world. He broke the Olympic record in the 2004 Athens Olympics and won a gold medal. But in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, he had to give up the race. Do you know why? Please read the following passage in 2a, find out the answer and pay attention to the new words.

  (板书,教学生词,并要求学生掌握break(broke), record, gold, give up;理解medal。)

  break(broke), record, gold, give up, medal


  2. (播放2a录音,让学生跟读,完成2b,并核对答案。)

  T: Listen and read after the tape. Then finish 2b and check the answers.

  3. (让学生再读2a,找出生词和疑难点,教师解释并板书生词和关键词,要求学生掌握shame,为复述短文做准备。)

  T: Please read 2a again and find out the key words.

  Liu Xiang — active — broke … record — won — give up — shame;

  Phelps — eight — in swimming — first athlete — single;

  Zhang Yining — table tennis players — twice

  4. (教师让学生根据上面板书的关键词复述短文。练习、巩固2a。)

  T: Please retell the passage according to the key words.

  5. (播放3录音,完成短文。)

  T: Now listen to the tape of 3. Complete the passage by yourselves.


  T: Listen to the tape again and check your answers. Are you right? Good.

  Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)


  1. (小组讨论并制作自己喜欢的运动员的名片。)

  T: Please make a card about your favorite sports player.


  Name Card







  2. Homework:



  Are you going to play basketball?

  Section B

  grow up What are you going to be when you grow up?

  in the future I’m going to be a dancer.

  play for What a shame!

  give up

  Section C

  The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。

  Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

  1.Learn some new words and phrases:

  mountain, spend, spend … (in) doing, hour, exercise, do exercise, baseball, pretty, pretty well, jump, weekend, take part in, popular, all over, be good for, heart, the day after tomorrow, healthy, fit, keep fit, relax

  2.Go on learning the future tense with be going to + do:

  (1)There is going to be a school sports meet next weekend.

  (2)She is going to take part in the high jump and the long jump.

  (3)—What are you going to do tomorrow morning?

  —I’m going to play soccer. I like it very much.

  3.Go on talking about the favorite sports and reasons:

  I like playing soccer very much. Because it makes me strong and it is popular all over the world.

  4.Talk about plans and intentions.

  5.Improve the students’ ability of reading.

  Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


  Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

  Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)


  1. (复习上节课所学的运动项目的名称。教师展示一些体育活动的图片。学生使用图片,三人一组,到讲台前进行问答表演,说出自己喜欢的体育活动。)

  T: Please come to the blackboard to talk about your favorite sports with your partners. You can begin like this: S1, what’s your favorite sport?

  S1: S2, what’s your favorite sport?

  S2: Skating. And you, S3?

  S3: I prefer…


  2. (快速问答,导入新课,找一名平时喜欢运动的同学。)

  T: S4, do you like sports?

  S4: Yes, I do.

  T: Do you often go mountain climbing?(出示登山的图片。)

  S4: Yes, I do.

  T: When do you often go mountain climbing?

  S4: On Sundays.

  T: S5, please talk about S4 according to what he/she said.

  S5: He/She likes sports very much. He/She often goes mountain climbing on Sundays.


  T: S6, do you like doing exercise?

  S6: Yes, I do.

  T: How often do you do exercise?

  S6: Every day.

  T: How long do you spend doing exercise every day?(必要时可译成汉语。)

  S6: About thirty minutes.

  T: S6 spends about thirty minutes in doing exercise every day.


  mountain, exercise, do exercise, spend, spend …(in) doing sth.

  T: Thirty minutes is half an hour, so we can also say “S6 often spends half an hour (in) doing exercise every day.”



  T: S7, please talk about S6 according to what he/she said.

  S7: He/She likes doing exercise. He/She often spends thirty minutes/half an hour (in) doing exercise every day.

  T: Well done. You are very clever.

  Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)


  1. (教师展示一幅一小女孩打棒球的图片。)

  T: Boys and girls, let’s look at the picture. This girl is Ann. What’s she doing? Do you know?

  Ss: She is playing baseball and she plays it pretty well. (教师可帮同学回答。)


  baseball, pretty, pretty well


  T: (教师手指图画)There is going to be a school sports meet next weekend. Do you want to take part in it? S1, please.

  S1: Yes, I do.


  weekend, take part in

  T: Which sport are you good at?

  S1: Running /…

  T: Are you good at the long jump or the high jump?(教师边说边指着图片中的跳远和跳高项目。)

  S1: I’m good at the long jump/the high jump.

  (板书,让学生猜词义,并要求掌握jump,理解the long jump和the high jump。)

  jump, the long jump, the high jump

  2. (听1a录音,回答下列问题。)

  T: Do you want to know which sport Ann is good at? Listen to 1a and answer the following questions:


  (1)Which sport is Ann good at?

  (2)How long does she spend in the gym every day?


  3. (让学生再听1a录音,跟读并注意语音语调。)

  T: Listen to the tape again and follow it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

  Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)


  1. (让学生再读一遍1a,完成1b。)

  T: According to 1a, we know Ann likes doing sports a lot. She does sports every day. Please read 1a again and complete the timetable in 1b.


  2. (根据1b,完成1c。)

  T: According to the timetable in 1b, ask and answer in pairs to finish 1c, then write down the answers.


  3. (根据Ann的活动时间表,描述Ann一周的运动情况。)

  T: Well done! Please discuss with your partner and describe Ann’s activities in a week according to her sports timetable.


  Ann does exercise in the gym from 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. every day. She goes cycling from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays. …

  T: Each group can choose one student to report. Let’s begin.


  Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:12分钟)

  完成2。巩固be going to的特殊疑问句的用法。

  1. (讨论运动对人体的益处,引出生词,必要时用图片或体态语帮助学生理解生词,导入2。)

  T: Boys and girls, we have talked about many kinds of sports. How do you feel after doing sports?

  S1: I feel better.

  S2: I am strong.


  T: Yes, we all know doing sports is good for our health. It’s a good way to keep fit/healthy.


  be good for

  keep fit / healthy

  T: S3, do you often do sports?

  S3: Yes, quite a lot.

  T: Why?

  S3: Because it can keep me fit / healthy.(可帮助学生回答。)

  T: Good. Doing sports is good for our health in many ways. S4, do you often run in the morning?

  S4: Yes, I do.

  T: Why?

  S4: Because it’s good for my legs, heart and lungs.(可帮助学生回答。)


  heart, lung

  T: I like doing sports very much. I often walk. Do you know why? Because it can help me to relax, and it’s a good way to keep healthy.



  2. (教师展示一幅NBA球赛的图片,上面有很多人在观看比赛,教师指着图片问。)

  T: What are they doing?

  Ss: They are having a basketball game.

  T: Yes, basketball games are popular all over the world.



  all over

  T: Do you know other popular games all over the world?

  八年级英语教案设计 篇二




  Teaching procedures(教学步骤) :

  Step 1 Leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

  1.Greetings and free-talk .

  2.Check the Homework(家庭作业) .

  Step 2 Pre-task(任务前活动)SB Page 21 , 1c .

  1.Look at the pictures .Please say something about the picture .

  2.Read the sentences and explain the new words .

  3.Match the sentences with the pictures .

  4.Check the answers .

  Step 3 While-task(任务中活动)SB Page 21 , 2a & 2b .

  1.Read the things in the chart below .They will help Ss to guess what you will heard .Hear six things in the chart .

  2.Play the recording the first time .Ss only listen .

  3.Play the recording a second time .Check the phrases they hear on the recording .

  4.Listen again .Pay attention to the persons who did each thing in the chart above .Match the phrases with the persons .

  5.Play the tape again and correct the answers .

  Step 4 Post-task(任务后活动)SB Page 21 , 2c .

  Pairwork : Read the sample dialogue in the box .Talk about the people in activity 2a .S1 begins a sentence with the word “while” ,S2 complete the sentence .

  ① While John was walking to school , he saw a cat in a tree .

  ② While John was climbing the tree , a man saw him .

  ③ While the man was calling the police , a woman called the newspaper .

  ④ While the newspaper reporter was taking photos ,the cat went up the tree again .

  Ss can say them out by themselves .

  Homework(家庭作业) :

  SB Page 23 , Selfcheck , Parts 1and 2 .


  八年级英语教案设计 篇三

  一、 Analysis of the text教材分析

  1. Teaching 教学内容:Talk about personal traits and how to compare people 谈论人物的个性特征及如何对比人物

  2.Statue of the Text教材的地位和作用


  3.Teaching goals教学目标:

  1)Language goal 知识目标 让学生掌握本课的词汇运用。

  2)Ability goal 能力目标 让学生学会用英语与他人谈论人的个性特征和使用形容词进行比较的话题,以及进一步提高学生的英语语言表达能力;

  3)Emotional goal 情感目标 激发学生的学习兴趣,体验英语语言的美,体验知识间的相互联系。让学生充满自信,体验成就感和合作精神。而且通过学习比较级使学生懂得在学习和生活中应相互理解、相互帮助、相互学习。

  4. Important points重点:掌握形容词比较级的变化规则及句型

  5.Difficult points难点:使用比较级自如表达

  二、Teaching Methods 教学方法:




  三、Learning Methods学法:


  四、Teaching Steps教学程序:

  Activity I 活动一:Leading in激趣导入


  Activity II 活动二:Warming up单词热身练习

  要想让学生正确地使用比较级, 首先应掌握形容词比较级的变化规则。因此, 我给出一系列形容词及其比较级形式, 让学生通过仔细观察并得出形容词比较级的变化规则,然后朗读记忆。在这一环节,我使用了教学的归纳法, 意在培养学生的自主探究能力、观察能力和归纳能力。

  Activity III 活动三:Comparing句子热身练习


  Activity IV 活动四:A guessing game“猜谜”游戏

  ——Who is he/she? 他/她是谁?


  Activity V 活动五:Competition小组竞赛


  Activity VI 活动六:Acting知识的拓展


  此项活动后的小结也是本课的总结: “From this story we know, when we are better than others. Don’t laugh at others. When someone is better than you, don’t be frustrated. No one is perfect. We should learn from each other and help each other.” 这个故事告诉我们一个道理:当你比别人强的时候,不要嘲笑别人;当你在某些方面不如别人时,不要自卑。没有人是完美的。在生活和学习中,我们应该相互帮助、相互学习。

  Activity VII 活动七:Exercises巩固训练




  常规性作业: 背记本单元的生词。

  探究性作业:写作文一篇,标题是“My Friend and I”。


  六、Blackboard Design 板书设计:

  They are twins.

  They are both lovely.

  Xiaoya is calmer than Li Wen.

  Li Wen is more outgoing than Xiaoya

  A is 形容词比较级 than B


  1. 比较的对象不一致。如:My hair is longer than you.

  2. 双音节形容词的比较级形式使用混乱。

  八年级英语教案设计 篇四

  一. 说教材

  1. 教材简析

  本课位于人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分。主要是通过学习动词的一般将来时态,讨论人生理想和将来打算,计划。目的是通过对人生理想的讨论使青少年在这个如花的季节不仅对未来有美好的憧憬,而且要从现在做起,为健康的理想而奋斗。

  2. 教材地位


  3. 教学目标

  (1) 知识目标


  (2) 能力目标


  (3) 情感目标


  4. 教学重点。难点。




  5 本课学情








  三个调查— 整个课的展开围绕三个调查—(父辈梦想,成功故事,我的理想);

  三条主线— 在对比中发展—(父辈经历,成功人生,我的道路,)


  一个中心— 学生中心:课前备学生,课堂任务型。

  八年级英语教案设计 篇五

  一. 分析教学内容,确定教学目标

  本课是Unit11的第一课时。其主目标是能用 “Could you please do things?” “Could I please do things?”谈论如何委婉地提出请求或征求别人的许可, 及回答语“Sure / Certainly / I’m glad to .”能礼貌地拒绝,“Sorry, I / you can’t,. I / you have to do…”并表达自己的理由, 陈述自己的好恶。以do housework 和调查做力能所及的事为话题,学会运用“Could you please do things?”“Could I please do things?”是本课的语言目标。

  本课的学习内容(target language)有:学习名词trash, clothes, floor, cleaning, , living room, washing. 情态动词can could.. 动词fold, cook, need to, sweep, take out, use, wash, give并且复习运用情态动词have to. 区别make与do在短语中的用法.


  八年级英语教案设计 篇六

  一 、Teaching content:(教学内容)

  1.New words and phrases:hole,large,root,seedling,cover,fill,dirt,pack,dust,storm,dirty,

  northern,bottom, fill……with,by the way,dust storm,turn into,for sure,in the bottom of…

  2.Understand the meaning of text.

  3.Talking about how to plant a tree.

  二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

  1.Master the new words and phrases,understand the meaning of text.

  2.Learn about how to plant a tree.

  3.Why we should plant trees?How to protect the environment in our daily life?

  三、Key points:(重点)

  New words and phrases,the text.

  四、Difficult points:(难点)

  How to plant a tree?What are the basic steps for planting a tree?

  五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助) Recorder, pictures or cards.

  六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型) New lesson.

  七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)

  Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)

  1.Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.

  Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say.

  2.Review:In last unit,we talked about the weather and spring,and we talked about some activities in spring,and we knew that,when we think of spring,we think of a season of fresh air,we think of new life,green plants all around us.

  3.Review the grammar:Word building.

  Step 2. Lead in.(引入)

  Homework check.

  Come to “Think About It”

  When is Tree planting Day in China?

  What are the basic steps for planting a tree?

  Step 3. New lesson.(新课)

  No. 1 prepare lessons before class.

  Teach the new words and phrases.make sure the Ss can read it correctly.

  No. 2Text:Give them some time to read the text themselves. Then let them act out the dialogue in groups. Correct their pronunciation when necessary.

  At last,the teacher explain the text in Chinese,make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of text.

  No. 3Important sentences:

  It's also a great way to learn about nature.

  It's fun and important to plant plants.

  No. 4Word building:

  north →northern dirt →dirty

  No. 5 Finish “Let's Do It!”

  Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.

  Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.

  Step 5.Summary. (小结)

  Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.

  Sum up the grammar.

  Step 6. Homework.(作业)

  Finish the activity book and the practice.

  Copy the new words and phrases twice.

  Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

  The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.

  The grammar and practice.

  八。Teaching reflection:(教后反思)


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