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作者:紫奇羽2023-07-03 22:44:01

导读:英语优化设计教案 篇一 教学目标: 知识与技能目标: 1.学生能过灵活掌握有关做家务的动词短语并能应用到日常对话中。 2.掌握祈使句的构成方法及其答语。 情感目标: 1.如何有礼貌... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!


  英语优化设计教案 篇一



















  T:Hello,boys and girls.How are you today?

  S:I am fine,thanks.And you?

  T:I am fine,too.



  ①出示make the bed图片。

  T:Class,look at the picture.What is he doing?


  T:He is making the bed.(出示短语,教读,注意确保学生读音准确无误)








  采用boys PK girls的游戏方法。抽男.女生各两名读短语,给胜利的一方画笑脸,输的一方画哭脸。





  ④T:Class,do you help your mother do housework?Now,I am your mother.I am doing housework.Try to be good and help me.

  P1:Mom,can I help you?

  T:Good boy!Yes,please make the bed.

  P1:OK./All right.

  T:Good boy!Thank you.


  ⑤教师手持短语卡片,并询问学生Can I help you?学生根据卡片内容回答。



  T:Boys and girls,what did we learn today?




  在歌声中结束本堂课。将《Teddy Bear》里面的一些短语用今天学的短语改编。

  Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,turn around.

  Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,clean the ground.

  Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,set the table.

  Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,say"Good bye"!

  英语优化设计教案 篇二


  1. 能够听、说、读、写短语:on foot,by bike,by bus,by train。

  2. 能够听、说、认读短语:by plane,by ship,by subway。

  3. 能用句子,How d0 you go to school?How do you go to Canada/…?'来替换关 询问别人的出行方式;并能够用句子,I go by…'进行回答。

  4. 能够听懂、会吟唱Let’s chant的歌谣。


  教学重点、难点分析 : 本课时的教学重点和难点是掌握四会短语和A Let’s learn部分中运用某种交通具去某地的表达法,并能替换关键词进行问答。


  1.热身(Warm-up) Let’s start

  (1) 教师说:Today I go to school by bike/bus.Usually I go to school by bike/bus. 教师利用肢体动作帮助学生理解句子意思。然后问学生:What about you?Do you go by bike or by bus?Do you go on foot?Or by car?师生之间自由会话,引出几种常见的交通方式。

  (2)自由会话之后,教师继续说:There are many ways to go somewhere.Look at these pictures.Do you know what they are?引导学生看本课时Let’s start部分的标图并回答问题。

  2. 预习(Preview)

  (1)复习频度副词:always,usually,often,sometimes,never的tob_id_3091读音与词义。有关活 动可借鉴五年级下册教师教学用书第一单元。

  (2)Let’s chant 教师放本课时Let’s chant部分的录音,学生先静听一遍,再跟录音轻声吟唱一遍。教师再放录音,带着学生一起边唱边做动作:唱到on foot时,全班跺跺脚;唱到by Car/bike/bus/plane/train的时候,学生举起自己带来的玩具。然后教师根据歌谣内容随机出示Let’s learn部分的单词卡片加深学生印象,全班学生再跟录音边唱边做一遍。

  3. 新课呈现(Presentation) Let’s learn

  (1)教师拿出一辆玩具自行车,自问自答:,How do I go to school?I go to school by bike.'并在黑板上写下:by bike。教师再重复刚才的句子并问某一学生:0jWhat about you?How do you go to school?’’学生如果回答:,Me too!'教师就继续问下一名学生,直到有不同答案,教师帮助学生说出完整的句子:,I go。。to school by…'并将相应的短语写在黑板上。

  (2)看短语贴卡片游戏 教师依次出示画着不同交通工具的短语卡片,让学生迅速地贴在黑板上的,by’’短语旁边,教师领读短语和句子,l go to school by…'

  (3),快速反应'游戏 教师说出某个短语,如:by bike,让学生做相应的动作或迅速举起相应的道具(单词卡片)并说出句子,如:I go to school by bike.

  (4)教师拿出刚才学生可能没有提到的交通工具的图片,如:by plane/subway/ ship/boat等,呈现和练习这些短语。然后指着课本上的配图问:,What can you see in the pictures?'注意引导学生,尤其是农村学生理解,地铁'的。含义:,It’s an underground railway in a city.It travels very fast.'教师领读新学短语。

  (5)学生听录音,跟读Let’s learn部分的内容。教师注意纠正学生的语音、语调


  (7)教师还可利用学生卡片背面的灰体词引导学生进行单词描红,学生边描边读,看谁又快又好。 Let’s play 教师请学生制作简易的单词卡片,一摞是地点,比如:school,Beijing,the US,the moon等;另一摞是交通方式,比如:by ship,by bike,by train等。教师鼓励!生大胆想象出行方式和所去地点。然后学生两人结对进行句型操练,一人问,How do you go to Beijing/the USA/the moon?'另一学生给出答案:,I go by train/plane/spaceship.'对于词汇表述上有困难的学生,教师要及时地提供帮助。对一些特别有创意的想法,教师可以写在黑板上加以鼓励。

  4. 巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)

  (1)Main scene 教师引导学生看主情景图,说出其中表现的交通方式。学生多能说出:on foot by bike,by subway。如有学生问及小丑骑的独轮车以及幼儿骑的三轮儿童车教师可补充说明那分别是unicycle和tricycle;而自行车bike的另一说法:bicycle,意为两轮车。

  (2)学生做Let’s learn部分的活动手册配套练习;教师指导学生规范书写。新学伊始,教师非常有必要对学生重申一下书写的要求。

  (3)学生背诵并抄写四会单词;复习说唱歌谣。 (4)学生预习c Let’s sing部分的歌曲。

  英语优化设计教案 篇三


  1. 语言知识目标:

  1) 能掌握以下单词: newspaper, use, soup, wash, movie, just


  ① —What are you doing? —I'm watching TV.

  ② —What's he doing? —He's using the computer.

  ③ —What are they doing? —They're listening to a CD.

  ④ —This is Jenny. —It's Laura here.

  2) 能掌握语法:现在进行时态的用法。

  3) 能运用所学的知识,描述人们正在干的事情。


  1. 教学重点:

  1) 词汇、词组搭配和现在进行时的用法。能用现在进行时的各种形式进行准确的描述和表达正在发生的动作。

  2) 能掌握现在进行时态及一些表示具体动作的词组搭配,如: doing homework, using the computer, watching TV, eating dinner… 等

  2. 教学难点:





  Ⅰ. Warming-up and Lead in

  1. Greet the Ss and check the homework.

  2. Watch a video program.

  Ⅱ. Presentation

  1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Present the new words and expressions.

  2. Ss watch and learn the new words and expressions.

  3. Give Ss some time and try to remember the new words and expressions.

  4. (Show some pictures on the screen and ask some students to perform the actions.)

  e.g. T: What are you doing?

  S: I am doing homework. (Help him/her to answer)

  T: What is he /she doing?

  Ss: He /she is doing homework.

  Teach: watching TV, cleaning, reading a book, eating dinner, talking on the phone...as the same way.

  5. Work on 1a. Ss read the activities and look at the pictures. Then match the activities with pictures.

  6. Check the answers with the Ss.

  Ⅲ. Game (guess)

  1. T: Now let's play a game. What's she/he doing? You must watch the big screen carefully.

  (Show some pictures on the big screen quickly) Let Ss guess what's he/she is doing?

  2. Ss watch and guess the actions.

  3. Ask and answer about the pictures.

  —What's he/she doing?

  —He's/She's …

  Ⅳ. Listening

  1. T: What are Jenny, John, Dave and Mary doing? Now let’s listen to the tape, find out the right activities from 1a.

  2. Play the recording for the Ss twice.

  3. Ss listen to the recording and write the numbers from 1a.

  Ⅴ. Pair work

  1. Ask the Ss to read the conversations in 1c with a partner. Then look at the pictures in 1a. And conversations about other person in the picture.

  2. Ss make conversations by themselves and practice the conversations.

  Ⅵ. Listening

  1. Work on 2a;

  T: Jack and Steve are talking on the phone. What are they doing now? Listen to the conversations and match the answers with the questions.

  (Play the recording for the first time, students only listen carefully. Then, listen to the recording again, and match the answers with the questions. )

  Check the answers.

  2. Work on 2b.

  Let Ss read the conversation in 2b first. Then play the recording for the Ss twice.

  The first time Ss only listen and write down the words in the blanks. Then play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers. (If necessary, press the Pause button to help.)

  Ⅶ. Pair work

  1. Now, role-play the conversation with your partners.

  2. Let some pairs to act out the conversation in front of the class.

  Ⅷ. Role-play

  1. Ask Ss to read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions below.

  ① Are Jenny and Laura talking on the phone?

  (Yes, they are.)

  ② What's Laura doing now?

  (She's washing her clothes.)

  ③ What's Jenny doing?

  (She's watching TV.)

  ④ When do they meet at Jenny's home?

  (At half past six.)

  2. Ss read the conversation and answer the questions above.

  3. Check the answers with the Ss.

  4. Let Ss work in pairs and role-play the conversation.


  1. Review the words and expressions in this period.

  2. Understand the knowledge about the present progressive tense.

  3. Make five sentences on what are you doing now.

  英语优化设计教案 篇四


  1. 语言知识目标:

  1) 能掌握以下单词:rules, arrive, late, hall, dinning hall, listen, listen to, fight, sorry

  2) 能掌握以下句型:

  ① Don't eat in class.

  ② You must be on time.

  ③ Eat in the dining hall.

  2. 学会用英语表达一些标志的含义。

  3. 熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家规等)的看法

  3. 情感态度价值观目标:



  1. 教学重点:

  1) 肯定祈使句是省略掉主语的原形动词开头;

  2) 否定祈使句则是在肯定祈使句前加上“don’t”。

  3) 情态动词must及have to在用法上的区别。

  2. 教学难点:





  Ⅰ. Warming-up and revision


  Please stand up/ sit down. Close the door, please. Look at me and listen to me.

  Don’t open your books. Don’t talk. Let’s begin our class.


  Ⅱ. Presentation

  教师出示书上1a 的图片,向学生提问。


  T:What’s the boy doing? S: He’s running.

  T: Where is he running? S: He’s running in the hallways.(板书,教读)

  T:Can you run in the hallways? S: No, I can’t.

  T: So please don’t run in the hallways.(板书,教读)

  (= You can’t run in the hallways.)


  T:Why is he running in the hallways? S: He’s late.

  T: Oh, he’s late for class.(板书,教读)

  You can’t arrive late for class.(板书,教书) = Don’t arrive late for class.


  Ⅲ. 1a

  T: Now, Look at the picture on your textbook. Each of the students is breaking one of these rules.

  Please finish 1a.


  Ⅳ. Listening

  1. T: Now let’s listen! What rules are these students breaking? Write the numbers after names?

  2. 学生们听录音,完成1b,选出四位学生都违反了哪条校规;听之前,学生要读会英文名。

  3. Check the answers:

  Ⅴ. Pair work


  Ⅵ. Listening

  1. Work on 2a:

  First, let's read the sentences in 2a together.

  T: Now, let's listen to the recording. Check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about.

  Ss listen to the recording and check the activities they hear.

  Play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers.

  2. Work on 2b:

  Make Sure Ss know what they should do.

  Listen to the recording again. Can Alan and Cindy do these activities? Circle can or can't above.

  3. Check the answers:

  Ⅶ. Pair work

  1. Suppose you are Alan and your partner is Cindy. Talk about the rules in 2a.

  2. Let some students come to the front and act out the conversations.

  Ⅷ. Role-play

  1. Read the conversation and find some rules in this school?

  2. Ss read the conversations and find the answers to this question.

  3. Check the answers:

  ( Don't be late for school. Don't bring music players to school. You always have to wear the school uniform. You have to be quiet in the library. )


  1. Remember the new words and expressions.

  2. 完成下列句型转换试题

  1)I can play computer games on weekends.(一般疑问句)

  _________________________________? Yes, ____________.

  2) He has to wear uniform.(变否定句)

  He _____ _____ _____ wear uniform.

  3) I have to wear sneakers for gym class.(一般疑问句)

  _____ you ____ ____ wear sneakers for gym class? Yes, I ____.

  4) They have to wash clothes.(提问) ____ do they have ____ ____?

  5) You can’t go out on school nights.(换一种表达) _______ go out on school nights.

  6) Don’t talk in class.(同上) No _________.


  1)I can play computer games on weekends.(一般疑问句)

  _________________________________? Yes, ____________.

  2) He has to wear uniform.(变否定句)

  He _____ _____ _____ wear uniform.

  3) I have to wear sneakers for gym class.(一般疑问句)

  _____ you ____ ____ wear sneakers for gym class? Yes, I ____.

  4) They have to wash clothes.(提问) ____ do they have ____ ____?

  5) You can’t go out on school nights.(换一种表达) _______ go out on school nights.

  6) Don’t talk in class.(同上) No _________.


  Section A (1a-2d)

  Main sentences:

  1. Don't arrive late for school. You must be on time.

  2. —What are the rules?

  —Well, we can't arrive late for class. We must be on time.

  3. Listen to music in the music room.

  4. We always have to wear the school rules.

  5. We have to be quiet in the library.

  英语优化设计教案 篇五




  rules, arrive, late, hall, dinning hall, listen, , fight, sorry outside,wear, important, bring, uniform, quiet


  dining hall, arrive late for school, (be) on time, listen to music break the rules, in class, be/ keep quiet, a lot of, bring …to…,wear a hat, have to, music players


  1. Don't eat in class.

  2. You must be on time.

  3. Eat in the dining hall.

  4. 正确使用情态动词can, can’t

  ——Can we wear a hat in school?

  ——Yes, we can./No, we can’t.

  5. 能正确使用have to 和 must 谈论规章制度

  We must be on time/ We also have to be quiet in the library.



  1) 肯定祈使句是省略掉主语的原形动词开头;

  2) 否定祈使句则是在肯定祈使句前加上“don’t”。

  3) 情态动词must及have to在用法上的区别。








  规则_______ 到达_________ 准时___________走廊___________

  礼堂_________ 餐厅_______________倾听___________________

  听……______________打架_______________抱歉的_____________ 非常重要_____________ 带来;拿来_________________

  不得不_____________ 校服;制服_________________


  Don’t arrive late for class. ___________________________________

  Don’t run in the hallways. ___________________________________



  二. 情景导入


  Please stand up/ sit down. Close the door, please. Look at me and listen to me.

  Don’t open your books. Don’t talk. Let’s begin our class.



  1.教师出示书上1a 的图片,向学生提问。


  T:What’s the boy doing? S: He’s running.

  T: Where is he running? S: He’s running in the hallways.(板书,教读)

  T:Can you run in the hallways? S: No, I can’t.

  T: So please don’t run in the hallways.(板书,教读)

  (= You can’t run in the hallways.)


  T:Why is he running in the hallways? S: He’s late.

  T: Oh, he’s late for class.(板书,教读)

  You can’t arrive late for class.(板书,教书) = Don’t arrive late for class.


  2.work on 1a


  3. Listening


  Check the answers:

  4. Pair work


  5. Listening

  Work on 2a:

  First, read the sentences in 2a together.

  Ss listen to the recording and check the activities they hear.

  Play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers.

  Work on 2b:

  Listen to the recording again. Can Alan and Cindy do these activities? Circle can or can't above.

  Check the answers:

  6. Pair work

  Talk about the rules in 2a.

  Let some students come to the front and act out the conversations.



  1.arrive late for school/ be late for school/ come to school late 上学迟到

  2.arrive in/ at + 地点 in class 在课堂上

  get to + 地点 in the classroom 在教室里 wear “穿着,戴着” be in + 颜色(穿......颜色的衣服) sound “听起来”系动词后接形容词

  3. 祈使句的用法:祈使句是用来表示请求,命令,叮嘱,邀请,劝告等的句子,一般以动词原形开头。

  a) V型祈使句(以行为动词开头) Listen to me,please. 请听我说.

  b) B型祈使句(以Be开头) Be careful!小心!

  c) L型祈使句(以Let开头)Let me help you. 让我帮助你.

  d) D型祈使句(以Don’t+动词原形开头) Don’t talk in class.

  4、must和have 的区别

  must “必须”(强调主观意志);没有人称和数的变化;否定:mustn’t “不准”

  have to “必须”(强调客观因素)三人称用:has to; 否定:don’t/ doesn’t have to

  5. a lot of= lots of/ many/ much

  6. bring sth. to sb.“带…来…”= bring sb. sth.




  ( )1.-- Don’t run in the room. -- ,Uncle.

  A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. No

  ( )2. Peter wear sports shoes for the gym class today.

  A. have to B. has C. has to

  ( )3. Our teacher us not to arrive late for the class.

  A. says B. talks C. tells

  ( )4. -- we have to clean the classroom after school? --Yes, you .

  A. Can, can B. Do, have C. Do, do

  ( )5.You can’t eat outside. It’s dirty.

  A. in B. at C. /

  2. 完成下列句型转换试题

  1)I can play computer games on weekends.(一般疑问句)

  _________________________________? Yes, ____________.

  2) He has to wear uniform.(变否定句)

  He _____ _____ _____ wear uniform.

  3) I have to wear sneakers for gym class.(一般疑问句)

  _____ you ____ ____ wear sneakers for gym class? Yes, I ____.

  4) They have to wash clothes.(提问) ____ do they have ____ ____?

  5) You can’t go out on school nights.(换一种表达) _______ go out on school nights.

  6) Don’t talk in class.(同上) No _________________________.


编辑特别推荐:英语优化设计教案一起三年级英语教案外研版精通英语四年级下册英文教案英语四年级下册五单元教案设计六年级英语的教案, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!

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