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作者:紫奇羽2024-07-15 21:34:38

导读:第1篇:关于英文慰问信 June 6, 20xx Dear Mrs. Corbin, I was so sorry to learn of your illness. You must hurry and get well!Everybody in theneighborhood misses you, and were all hoping youll be back soon. Mr. Burke joins me in sendi... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!



  June 6, 20xx

  Dear Mrs. Corbin,

  I was so sorry to learn of your illness. You must hurry and get well!Everybody in theneighborhood misses you, and we’re all hoping you’ll be back soon.

  Mr. Burke joins me in sending best wishes for your speed recovery.

  Sincerely yours,

  Mary Burke


  dear sir,

  the neing to see you on sunday and trust that your condition rose and me your mother and kno the classes. do be careful e funny cartoons.

  if there is anything you need me to do, just let me knoed seeing him/her at every opportunity.

  And,we know that his/her passing will not only leave a void in our lives,but in the hearts of all those who knew him/her.

  ( name) will always remain within our hearts,and we have included ( name) and you in our daily prayers.May God give you strength.

  If there is anything that we can do to help you in anyway,please do not hesitate to call us at anytime.You can phone either of us at area code and phone number) even if it is only to talk.

  Our sincere thoughts and prayers are with you.

  With our deepest sympathy,


  dear sir,

  the news of your accident just reached me this morning.i’m greatly shocked to learn that you were knocked down by a car yesterday.how are you feeling today?

  the only good thing about it is that your mother told me that you are progressing nicely,i hope that you are doing well after the operation,and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about a wee.i’m coming to see you on sunday and trust that your condition will remarkably improve by then.

  a little package from rose and me will reach you a day or two.we hope the small thing will interest you.

  with every good wishes for your swift recovery!


  Dear :

  Nothing can be the neent, numerous children lost their parents and b all directions. With the help all Chinese people, the victims finally survived, and they also became self-confident. In a es to return as the majority of the buildings the earthquake. We must shoetoes to return as the majority of the buildings the Yushu earthquake. We are so much saddened that many children lost their parents and many couples lost their lovers. I could not help but cry all over the country. You are not alone and you e any difficulty, because we are Chinese. Ten thousand people beat everything with a single undying heart.

  Try to look on the bright side of things. The future will be bright, cheer up!

  Yours sincerely


  i’m sorry to learn/hear that?it is really a pity that you failed in?please don’t feel too much distressed(痛苦,紧张) for this frustration. all of us are waiting for your rapid recovery/return to health(恢复健康).please let me know of any assistance i can render you.

  dear mr. john,

  i am exceedingly(非常) sorry to hear that your father passed away.the painful

  news reached us this morning, and we were so shocked that we could not at first realize

  the fact.

  this sad news has put me in full sympathy with(深切同情) you. your father was

  an honorable man and tender parent. everybody who has known him must feel a great

  loss caused by his death. i quite understand how you feel now, but you are in duty

  bound to(有义务) look to your own heath and to take care of your family affairs. these

  would be impossible if you indulge your feeling in grief.please accept the deep and true sympathy which is all i can offer.



  June 11, 20xx

  Dear Mr. Forrest,

  Word of the recent death of your brother has just come to me, and I hasten to offer condolences.

  I had the privilege of knowing your brother in years past, and I realize your great loss. He was a fine and brilliant man, and he will not be forgotten by the many who admired and respected him.

  Please convey my sympathy and my warm personal regards to all your family.

  Cordially yours,











  dear sir,

  the news of your accident just reached me this morning. i’m greatly shocked to learn that you were knocked down by a car yesterday. how are you feeling today?

  the only good thing about it is that your mother told me that you are progressing nicely, i hope that you are doing well after the operation, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about a wee. i’m coming to see you on sunday and trust that your condition will remarkably improve by then.

  a little package from rose and me will reach you a day or two. we hope the small thing will interest you.

  with every good wishes for your swift recovery!

  sincerely yours, li ming

  dear john,

  i am shocked to hear that you have a severe influenza and now are in hospital. i get this news from your mother and know you must be absent for half a month from the classes. do be careful while you are ill.

  don’t worry about your lesson and i am willing to help you learn it when you return. we are best friends so i will never allow you to fall behind.

  you can watch television or listen to radio programs to help pass the time and forget your pains while you recuperate. i do hope that i can see you soon and bring you some funny cartoons.

  if there is anything you need me to do, just let me know. we all miss you and shall be happy when you are back.

  your truly,

  li ming


  Dear Tom,

  I'am very sorry to heat that you are seriously ill and that you have been in hospital for about two weeks。 We are very concerned about you and your studies。

  Our head teacher is coming to see you today,so we ask him to bring you a package,with some lucky stars and colorful paper cranes in it。 I hope you will like it and it will bring good luck to you。 Also you'll receive 10,000 yuan,which will help you pay the medical fees。 Don't worry about your studies,we'll try to help you make up the lessons you have missed,because we are good friends。 I hope I can come and see you soon on Sunday。

  Everyone in our class misses you very much,hoping you'll be well again and get back soon。

  Yours sincerely


  18 Chengtu Road

  May 12, 1999

  My dear Harold,

  I have just received your letter telling me of your recent marriage. This happy event in your life prompts me to reply at once; and, in my own peculiar way , to attempt to offer you my hearty congratulations and good wishes.

  Sometimes the question is asked: “Who is to be congratulated more, the Lady or the Gentleman?” In this case I would unhesitatingly answer both. There is an ol d sa ying: “True marriages are made in Heaven.” I hope this is so in your case, and consequently, there will be on looking?back with regret for either of you.

  Before going further, please let me sincerely wish that Peace, Health, Happiness , and Prosperity may attend both your wife and yourself until the end. And now w hat can I or shall I say further? You know I have not as yet had much experience in hymeneal affairs, but I am a student; hence I read and observe, a nd endeavour to bring reason to bear upon earthly problems. It seems to me that co nnubial bliss, excellent and essential , is by no means the only requirement. Th ere is the great question of parentage. In this connection, I think it imperativ e that the character and physique of both father and mother should be as perfect as possible for scientific authorities assert that sons partake of the individu ality of the father , and daughters that of the mother. I must say no more , or you will conclude that I am a scientific man before my time.

  With renewed good wishes, and kindest regards to you and your spouse.

  Believe me,

  Yours very sincerely,


  Dear sir,

  the news of your accident just reached me this morning. i’m greatly shocked to learn that you were knocked down by a car yesterday. how are you feeling today?

  the only good thing about it is that your mother told me that you are progressing nicely, i hope that you are doing well after the operation, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about a wee. i’m coming to see you on sunday and trust that your condition will remarkably improve by then.

  a little package from rose and me will reach you a day or two. we hope the small thing will interest you.

  with every good wishes for your swift recovery!

  sincerely yours, li ming

  dear john,

  i am shocked to hear that you have a severe influenza and now are in hospital. i get this news from your mother and know you must be absent for half a month from the classes. do be careful while you are ill.

  don’t worry about your lesson and i am willing to help you learn it when you return. we are best friends so i will never allow you to fall behind.

  you can watch television or listen to radio programs to help pass the time and forget your pains while you recuperate. i do hope that i can see you soon and bring you some funny cartoons.

  if there is anything you need me to do, just let me know. we all miss you and shall be happy when you are back.

  Your truly,

  Li Ming


  June 16, 201X

  Dear Tom,

  I just can’t tell you how sorry I was to learn of your accident. Your family tells me that your are progressing nicely, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about ten days, I’m certainly relieved to know that!

  In the next day or so you’ll receive a little package from Margaret and me. I hope you like it, and that it will help to pass the time more pleasantly.

  With every good wish for your swift recovery.





  Dear Mr. Thompson,

  I was extremely sorry to hear of the fire that destroyed your beautiful house. I know well how much that house meant to you and I hasten to offer my sympathy.

  With best wishes to you both.

  Sincerely yours,










  Dear Margaret,

  Today I heard you had lost your father. I know the suddenness of it must have been a dreadful shock; and I just can’t tell you how sorry I am.

  I wish there were something I could do or say to soften your grief.

  With the deepest sympathy to you and all your family.










  英文慰问信的写作格式,英文慰问信范文 慰问信 (notes of sympathy on illness, injury and material loss) 亲友生了病或受了伤,或由于火灾、水灾、被盗等不幸事件蒙受了损失,就应该写封信


  收信人从中得到安慰和鼓舞。i am sorry to hear that you have been sick. in our daily lives, you have given

  us too much love and care sometimes regardless of yourself. it is because of your

  hard work pay, we can continuously to make progress. each class classmate all

  expecting you to recover as soon as possible. while you were away, we all miss you

  very much. for us you are more than a teacher. we all love you, hoping you can recover

  soon. best wishes!




  I was deeply saddened to learn of ____ (name A)’s death and I would like to express my sincere sympathy to you and your family on behalf of the senior management team here at Interconnect Corp. Your husband was highly respected by managers and employees alike throughout the entire company. He was regarded as a visionary leader by anyone who ever worked with him. ____ (name A)’s contributions to this company during his 27 years of dedicated and selfless service were many and varied. In the early years he was a major part of our initial expansion overseas, and a number of the offices he set up in Europe are still operating very successfully. In recent years ____ (name A) was a key player in our transformation to full digital technology, a move which catapulted us into a leadership position in the industry. Believe me, his contributions to this company will not be forgotten.

  Please accept my heartfelt condolences at this difficult time and I ask you to please pass these sentiments on to your children. Your husband was a remarkable man in many ways. Knowing him personally as I did for many years, I am well aware of the difference he made in the lives of many people, both here in the company, and in his private life. He will be missed by many. With sincere sympathy,

  ____ (name B)

  President and CEO


  dear james, in today’s newspaper, i read about the recent events in yourtown and i am writing to extend my deepest condolences.

  it poke my heart to see all those pictures of those whose homes have beendestroyed in the tragic hurricane. i couldn’t believe my eyes when i saw alittle girl crying on the roof of her house asking for help. i am really worriedabout you and your family, and all your friends there. i am crossing my fingersfor you now in hopes that you are all safe and sound.

  i can only imagine how difficult this time must be for you, and i want toextend to you my unwavering support. o

  ur government and many nongovernmental

  organizations are initiating various campaigns to urge people to donatemoney and necessary things to send to america. i donated all my allowance that ihave been saving for years.

  i feel extremely sorry for this tragedy, and i will be looking forward tohearing from you. please pass my concern on to your parents.

  yours sincerely,

  meng fei


  June 6, 20__

  Dear Mrs. Corbin,

  I was so sorry to learn of your illness. You must hurry and get well!Everybody in the neighborhood misses you, and we’re all hoping you’ll be back soon.

  Mr. Burke joins me in sending best wishes for your speed recovery.

  Sincerely yours,

  Mary Burke


  Dear Miss Barbara,

  Please accept my deepest sympathy on the death of your mother.

  I can well appreciate what a great loss this must be to you.

  Sincerely yours,









  Dear Tom,

  I just can’t tell you how sorry I was to learn of your accident. Your family tells me that your are progressing nicely, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about ten days, I’m certainly relieved to know that!

  In the next day or so you’ll receive a little package from Margaret and me. I hope you like it, and that it will help to pathe time more pleasantly.

  With every good wish for your swift recovery.











  March 3,20xx

  Dear Marry,

  It is with great sorrow that I hear of your illness . I should like to know how you are getting on now. As the weather is capricious(反复无常的)lately, you should be very careful.

  I am sending along some flowers with my love and sincere wishes for your speedy recovery .

  If I can be of any service to you, please let me know.

  Your loving friend


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