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作者:方静言2024-07-15 07:12:24

导读:第一篇:关于mba英文信阅读 dear sir/madam: i am very pleased to support and recommend mr. who was my student for your mba program. mr. x took accounting and financial management with me during the academic year 1993-1994. mr. x de... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!



  dear sir/madam:

  i am very pleased to support and recommend mr. who was my student for your mba program.

  mr. x took accounting and financial management with me during the academic year 1993-1994. mr. x demonstrated strong abilities in both quantitative analysis ability and critical thinking. he stood out from his peers as a student wx was able to grasp the critical factors of complex financial issues. academically, he impressed me as one of the hardest working and most promising students in his class. he also graduated with the presidential award, given each semester to students ranking in the top 5% of their class.

  moreover, mr. x performed very well in extra-curricular activities. as an outgoing and optimistic young man, mr. x successfully played a competent role as student leader. in the position of activities director of the ntu finance department students association, mr. x formulated excellent and high quality activities that greatly enhanced the students' lives. being the captain of the ntu finance department menˇs basketball team, he led the team to an inter-collegiate championship. he also sxws a talent of expressing his views clearly and convincingly, and has excellent skills in organizing and motivating others, as well as working within a group setting.

  i am delighted to learn that mr. x is applying for your mba program. i firmly believe that he has a clear picture of his future plan and long-term career goals. he is an outstanding person wx has the ambition and drive to succeed in any endeavor he undertakes. witxut reservation, i strongly recommend mr. x . if you have any questions, or require any additional information, i would urge you to contact me directly.

  sincerely yours,



  我很荣幸推荐我的下属张慧参加贵校mba班的学习。张慧在20xx年3月因其优异的成绩被招聘到贵州益佰制药股份有限公司后,工作非常努力。在三个月的试用期中,工作上一丝不苟、表现出了一个在大学里学习优秀的大学生的内在素质。在平常与同事们的交往中,为人谦虚好学,是一个难得的善于沟通的好员工。在调到我的办公室任我的助理期间,我了解到她是一个好学和勤奋的人,她总是积极完成我布置给她的各种任务并学习掌握知识。其实某些任务对一般的员工是有难度的,比如她的专业是经济学,而我们是制药业,可她总能出色地解决它们,这些正是缘于她的学习能力、工作态度、沟通能力和团队合作能力。在工作中,她也打动了我。在201X年底至201X年7月我对全国市场的调查中,她积极地、富有创意地协助我完成了这个调查。因此我给了她比其他许多员工更好的评价。在被调到董事会秘书处任副处长期间,她和我的其他中高层干部以及本处员工的沟通都很顺畅且相处非常融洽,这使得她的工作开展相当出色,同时也成为了我公司最年轻的一名中层干部。于是我就鼓励她积极报考贵院攻读mba进行再度深造,将来用作公司管理之用,会比现在更好些。根据我的判断,在贵校mba的学习中,张慧完全能够按照您们的设计和构想完成学业,表现杰出优秀,肯定能取得长足的进步。 所以,我毫不犹豫坚决肯定地推荐她,希望您将优先考虑她的申请。 希望能帮到您。

  谢谢! 签 名:


  MBA Selection Committee

  State University of Some State

  This is a formal letter of recommendation for John Smith. Mr. Smith has been serving diligently as my direct assistant for the past three years. Mr. Smith has discussed with me on numerous occasions his desire to pursue an MBA degree from Some State University. In this regard, it is my sincere opinion that he would be an ideal candidate for Some State University’s MBA program.

  Mr. Smith has been able to consistently demonstrate not only his excellent work ethic and a dedication to the firm’s success but he has regularly displayed strong leadership skills. His willingness to work long hours and to improve his skill sets have resulted in extremely high performance reviews for each year that he has been employed here. For example, during the last business cycle Mr. Smith developed and successfully implemented a plan to improve the efficiency of our production department. While Mr. Smith’s business process reengineering effort was a significant undertaking it was also very positive for the firm and he was awarded accordingly with a formal recognition for his contribution to the firm’s business.

  Finally, while Mr. Smith’s role within the firm is as a direct assistant, this role also entails that he take an informal leadership position within the firm. Since Mr. Smith must communicate with other constituents within the organization representing my authority, his advice and input is often sought from others within the firm who recognize the unique insight that he has gained during his tenure with the firm.

  In this regard, Mr. Smith would not only make a fine addition to your MBA program but also has much to contribute to the program through his willingness to engage and collaborate with others. I welcome any further inquiry in this matter and may be contacted at any time accordingly.


  Mr. John Doe

  Any Company, Inc.

  Some State, US

  Phone Number

  Email Address


编辑特别推荐:关于mba英文信阅读实习信参考学生自我推荐信300字学生信有关应届毕业生自我信, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!

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