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作者:李思辰2023-09-16 16:21:07

导读:重庆永川英语导游词 (一) Liaocheng city in shandong province is located in the west, the west by get wei river separates the water and the hebei handan, xingtai area, south and southeast across the dike river, Yellow River and the... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!


  重庆永川英语导游词 (一)

  Liaocheng city in shandong province is located in the west, the west by get wei river separates the water and the hebei handan, xingtai area, south and southeast across the dike river, Yellow River and the henan province and the province jining, Tai’an City, jinan neighbors, north and northeast border with dezhou. Because of the history of liaocheng city say about perturbation of national cultural heritage.

  Liaocheng dongchangfu, linqing city, guan, shen county and si 5, the company, 6 Ren, gaotang county, and an economic and technological development zone. Such as han, hui, Mongol 39 people. To the han nationality has the largest population, accounting for 99% of the total population in the city. Followed by the hui, Mongolian, Tibetan, Uighur, miao, etc.

  The city's major tourist resources of liaocheng ShanShan hall, linqing stupas, mosques, the company's tomb, si 5 jingyang hill to get protection and development, such as jingyang hill first phase of the project completion and open to tourists.

  重庆永川英语导游词 (二)

  Yongchuan location Yangtze upstream of the north, west of chongqing, the east metro area, North-East relies on a wall mount county, north tongliang county, rongchang west, southern border with hejiang city, lugu county of sichuan province. Is the chongqing municipal planning and construction of vocational education base and a regional central city.

  Yongchuan is very rich in tourism resources, yesterday have moon guishan, bamboo creek patter, tieling hazeline, star saving green, clubmosses hundreds of feet, holy water, double chang state eight sights, such as green, longdong sunglow visited for people place to linger. Today the village of north with the scenic bamboo sea, the south has beautiful scenery of the lake, the four seasons fragrance of national ecological agriculture demonstration garden - best fruit in the corridor and the delight of chongqing wild animals in the world; Has the country's first discovered dinosaur fossils - upstream yongchuan dragon; There are the national famous Jin Shiwei carved works of artist liu channel longshan moya carved stone, sanjiao town stone; Have a book to du fu's "selaginella tamariscina fossil"; There are odd mountain peak of the male, the female stalagmites hill, a land of big literary giant su dongpo linger - suzhou dresser, and the song dynasty stone carving, rock Buddha temple and other scenic spots. Among them with "tea, bamboo, stone" three special brigade culture tour resources is striking. Is the national excellent tourism city.

  Yongchuan climate is mild and humid subtropical monsoon climate, is a livable city, the average annual climate around 18 ℃, the lowest temperature in winter in 6-8 ℃, average summer heat, the four seasons are suitable for tourism.

  Yongchuan cultural heritage. Yongchuan fossilized dinosaur, clubmosses, famous all over the world, tea culture, the mini-sculpture, bamboo culture has a long history. Gave birth to the qing dynasty in Chinese Taiwan magistrate Huang Kaiji, Oriental van gogh Chen Zizhuang, microbiologist wen-kang Chen, the geographer xu nearly, micro carving artist liu channel, writer (novel) all, (drama) Cai Shiwei, Wen Shikui literary critic, (poet) Zhong Daihua celebrities such as, is the Chinese women's soccer team training base, Chinese chess, taekwondo training base in China and chongqing sketch base of Chinese artists association. Yongchuan bright prospects in the future. Will further strengthen the "emancipate the mind, open still wider to the outside world, advocating innovation, the pursuit of excellence" concept, to open the vision, enlightened policy, culture, development of energy, and efforts to shape the "city of the forest, warm, the city of vocational education, the humanities, the city of entrepreneurship, wealth, open city, capital of the business, the bamboo tea city, capital of leisure" characteristic image, tried to build yongchuan into having a unique style, to be modern cities and regional central city!

  重庆永川英语导游词 (三)

  Dear friends

  Hello, everyone! Welcome to the famous scenic spot of Hunan - Suxianling,Chenzhou.

  Chenzhou, known as the "gateway of southern Hunan", is the most southernprefecture level city among the 14 cities in Hunan Province. Chenzhou is ahistorical and cultural ancient city. It has been the political, economic andcultural center of southern Hunan since the establishment of Guiyang County inthe Western Han Dynasty. Chenzhou occupies an important position in the historyof Chinese culture. As early as the Han Dynasty, the fairy tale of Su Xianspread to the world. Later, the song of Su Dan was included in the source ofancient poetry and became one of the earliest existing ancient folk poetry.During the Three Kingdoms period, Yang Yuanfeng of Wei Dynasty compiled therecords of Guiyang, which became the first local chronicle of Hunan. Thebeautiful landscape and romantic fairy tales have attracted countless emigrantsto Chenzhou, such as song Zhiwen, Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, Liu Yuxi, WangChangling, Du Fu, Li Jifu and so on. Qin Guan, a famous poet of the SongDynasty, wrote a sentence in "a trip to Chenzhou hostel on the way to Tasha"that "the Chenjiang river is lucky to be around Chenshan, for whom it flows downto Xiaoxiang." Make Chenzhou more famous.

  There are nearly 100 tourist spots in Chenzhou tourist area, coveringnatural scenery, cultural relics, revolutionary holy land and folk customs.Among the numerous tourist attractions, Suxianling is undoubtedly one of thebest.

  Suxianling, also known as niupishan, is located in the east of ChenzhouCity, with an altitude of 526 meters. Although the mountain is not high, it issaid that the story of Su Dan's becoming an immortal in the Western Han Dynastytook place here, so it is called Su Xianling, which enjoys the title of "the18th blessed place in the Taoist world".

  Now the place is Yuxian bridge. Hearing this name, some friends mayassociate with the story of Zhang Liangqiao, the Marquis of the Han Dynasty, whomet Huang Shigong to teach the book of war. However, the bridge had nothing todo with Zhang Liang. It was the place where Su Dan, a teenager who was decadeslater than Zhang Liang, met an immortal.

  On the opposite side of Yuxian bridge, you can see a simple courtyard. Thisis the famous Chenzhou hostel in history. Chenzhou hostel was originally acommonplace Inn in ancient times. It became famous for the fact that Qin Guan,one of Su Dongpo's disciples and one of Su men's four scholars, once lived hereand wrote a poem on this topic. In 1096, the third year of Shaosheng in theNorthern Song Dynasty, Qin Guan was demoted and exiled. He stayed in the inn onhis way. In the chilly days of spring, Qin Guan looked out of the window at thedusk and the frost on the cold moon. He was worried about the world in hishumble house. He wrote down the famous article "stepping on Shakespeare?Chenzhou hostel" melancholy. The original Chenzhou hostel has been abandoned fora long time. What you can see now is that it was rebuilt in 1989 according tothe French style built in Song Dynasty and the style of Xiangnan folk houses. Ithas a three wall gate house with a total area of more than 100 square meters.The four characters "Chenzhou hostel" on the front plaque of the gatehouse werewritten by Liu Zheng, former chairman of the CPPCC Hunan Provincial Committee,and the door forehead of the exhibition room "Huaihai Yifang" was written by QinZiqing, the 33rd generation grandson of Qin Guan, vice president of Qin societyand professor of Yangzhou University.

  Many celebrities have visited Chenzhou in history. I have just seen theruins of Chenzhou hostel visited by Qin Guan. The peach blossom residence hereis related to another famous person, Xu Xiake, a great traveler of Ming Dynasty.Xu Xiake, a native of Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, was born in 1586 AD and diedin 1641 ad. Xu Xiake is the greatest traveler in Chinese history, and also therepresentative of ancient Chinese scientific investigation travel. Since 1636,Xu Xiake left his hometown for a four-year long journey. The next year, heentered Chenzhou, Hunan Province through Jiangxi Province. While traveling inChenzhou, one day he was caught in the rain on the road. He happened to see aTaoist temple nearby, so he went in to take shelter from the rain. This Taoisttemple is the milk fairy Palace on Suxianling, which is now taohuaju. Thisexperience is recorded in Xu Xiake's travels.

  Now the place is Bailu cave, the birthplace of Suxian. It is said thatduring the reign of Emperor Wen of the Western Han Dynasty, a girl named panoutside the east gate of Chenzhou found a very beautiful red ribbon floatingalong the Chenjiang river when she was washing clothes. Miss Pan was curious fora moment, so she fished with her hand, but she didn't want the ribbon wrapped inher hand, so she couldn't untie it. In a hurry, Miss Pan bit it with her mouth,but if she didn't bite it, it would have slipped into her stomach. After aperiod of time, Miss Pan found that she was inexplicably pregnant. At that time,it was not obvious that an unmarried daughter was pregnant. In order to avoidrumors, Miss Pan fled to the peach blossom cave in Niupi mountain. On July 15,Miss Pan gave birth to a boy. The child could not be taken back, so Miss Panreluctantly threw her son home in the cave. My son is my mother's heart. After afew days, Miss Pan decided to sneak back to the cave to have a look. At theentrance of the mountain, she was surprised to find that the child was safe. Awhite crane was spreading its wings to protect the child from the cold, and adoe was kneeling down to feed the child. This is the origin of the name of"Bailu cave". Alas, even animals know how to love life. How can miss pan havethe heart to leave her child behind? So Miss Pan resolutely took her child hometo raise her. After growing up, the child will go to school, but how can he benamed without a father? After hearing this, the teacher asked the child, "go tothe gate of the school and tell me what you see." When the child went out, therewas a man hanging on the tree with grass string fish, sleeping on the root ofthe tree. The teacher said, "well, grass string fish is a word for" moss ".Lying on the tree is a word for" delay ". You can call it su Dan."

  Young Su Dan lived with his mother at the foot of Niupi mountain. His lifewas very miserable. As the saying goes, "the children of the poor are in chargeof the family early", Su Dan has been smart and sensible since he was a child.He goes to the mountains to cut firewood every day to subsidize his family. Oneday, next to Yuxian bridge, he met an old fairy and learned the magic. From thenon, he saved people's lives and helped his neighbors. Finally, he moved theemperor of heaven and became an immortal. His name was su Xian. People changedthe name of Niupi mountain, where he was born and lived, to Su Xian mountain. Itis said that Su Xian has helped Chenzhou people through the plague many times,so to this day, many old people in Chenzhou still worship the memorial tablet ofSu Xian. Not far from the Bailu cave, you can see the three unique monuments, akey cultural relic protection unit in Hunan Province. After Qin Guan's death, SuShi was very sad and wrote the last two sentences of "a trip to Chenzhou hostelon the way to Sha" as follows: "the Chenjiang river is lucky to be aroundChenshan, for whom it flows down to Xiaoxiang." He wrote it on his own fan withthe postscript of "less travel, though ten thousand people can be redeemed.".Later, the famous calligrapher Mi Fu wrote down Qin Guan's Ci and Su Shi'spostscript and spread them to the world. During the Southern Song Dynasty, ZouGong, the Zhijun of Chenzhou, was attached with mediocrity and elegance. Heordered people to copy Qin Ci, Suba and MISHU on the cliff near Bailudong,forming a 50.2 cm high and 46 cm wide cliff stone tablet, known as "three uniquesteles".

  Sanjue stele has a high reputation. In 1960, when Chairman Mao Zedong metwith Hunan provincial Party committee and municipal leaders in Changsha, hespecially mentioned this stone tablet and recited "Ta Sha Xing? Chenzhou hostel"on the spot with great interest

  "The fog lost the tower, the moon for Jindu, Taoyuan wangduan no place tofind. Can be lonely closed, cold spring, cuckoo sound in the sunset. Post plum,fish pass ruler, build this hate no multiple number. The Chenjiang river flowsdown to Xiaoxiang for whom it is lucky to be around Chenshan. "

  In 1963, when Tao Zhu, then Secretary of the Central South Bureau of theCommunist Party of China, came to Chenzhou for inspection, he saw this monumentand wrote: "I feel the misfortune of his experience. Because Yi Zhi was born inthe socialist period, I made a contrast with his intention. I compared the pastwith the present, and worked hard for the socialist revolution and socialistconstruction. Green fields, green river crossing, Taoyuan now in the ordinaryplace. A hero is a living immortal, singing a thousand flowers and trees. Thebridge leaps over the rainbow, the canal floats over the plain, and themountains and rivers are endless. The Chenjiang River faces to the north. Thescenery of the Chenjiang river will take you to Beijing! "

  Now embedded in the right wall of the pavilion is the pottery handwriting.You may as well contrast these two words and experience the artistic conceptionin detail.

  In memory of Qin Guan, a famous writer, a bronze statue of Qin Guan iserected on the left side of the three unique stele Pavilion. Every time theChinese women's volleyball team members come to Chenzhou for training, they willwalk here to cultivate their temperament. Hu Yaobang, Li Peng, Qiao Shi, songrenqiong, Tang Tianji, Deng Liqun, Yang Dezhi, Hu Sheng and other party andstate leaders have also visited here.

  After the pavilion of "first visit to fairyland", you can go up the stonesteps to Jingxing temple. Jingxing temple, also known as Yunzhong temple, islocated on the hillside of Suxianling mountain. It was built in Tang Dynasty. Itis the place where Liao Zhengfa, a famous Taoist, practiced. Jingxingguan is ofbrick and wood structure, hard hilltop and residential structure, which isdivided into two halls, four sub rooms and two wing rooms. Han Yu, a greatwriter of the Tang Dynasty, once visited Taoist Liao when he was in Chenzhou andwrote a preface for him. You can see this white marble inscription in thecentral hall, which is the preface to Han Yu's sending Liao Daoshi.

  Through the "Penglai in sight" pavilion, you can immediately appreciate therealm of the rise of Su Xian. Did you find that all the pine trees on theroadside only have one branch, and all of them incline to the west? It is saidthat after su Xian ascended the road, because he missed his mother, he oftencame from the fairyland to the top of Suxianling mountain and looked westward athis former residence in Chenzhou City. He could not help but shed tears. Movedby Su Xian's filial piety, the group of pines leaned westward together, formingthe "Wangmu pines" in front of them. This is the "suling Yunsong" which is thefirst of the "eight sceneries of ancient Chenzhou".

  In front of me, the stone stretching forward is the stone of risingimmortals, also known as the cross crane platform. There are three bigcharacters "kuahetai" carved on the abrupt stone wall more than 3 meters high.The following three characters "Shengxian stone" are written by Yuan DynastyChenzhou general manager and Korean Wanzhe Tu in 1326 A.D. It is said that SuXian played chess with Wang Xian, another immortal, before he got the imperialedict from the emperor of heaven. When the white crane came, Su Xian stepped onthe stone in a hurry and nearly fell down, leaving a footprint here.

  Later generations built a "flying Pavilion" beside the stone. In 1934, WangZhen, a famous Chinese painter, drew a picture of Su Xian crossing a craneaccording to the story of Su Xian's rise, which was engraved on the blue stonetablet in the pavilion. The monument is 167 cm high, 78 cm wide and 1215 cmthick. Next to the painting, there is a seven unique poem: "Liufang Jujingchants Su Xian, but he is unwilling to fly away. I heard that when I was called,one day the white crane was dancing There is an allusion to the "orange well" inthe poem. It is said that Su Xian predicted that a plague would break out inChenzhou before he ascended, so he told his mother to use the water in the wellin front of the house and the orange leaf soup on the tree beside the house totreat the disease. Later, Su Xian's mother used this prescription to cure thevillagers. From then on, all the medicine stores used "jujingquanxiang" as apublicity sign.

  The last place Xu Xiake visited when he boarded Suxianling was the Suxiantemple in front of him. Suxian temple is a Taoist temple offering sacrifices toSuxian. It was first built in the Western Han Dynasty and later burned by fire.In 731 ad, the 19th year of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Xuanzong of the TangDynasty issued an imperial edict to repair the Suxian temple. Later, thecapitals of the song, Ming and Qing Dynasties repaired it, forming today'sscale. It is 82.2 meters long and 41.5 meters wide, with a total constructionarea of 2464 square meters. The main hall is higher than the wing room, with alarge roof, four corner cornices, rhino head powder walls, small green tiles,and Hui Wen windows. The two sides are double-layer buildings. In front of themain hall, you can see that there is a white jade stele with eight characters"Chifeng Suxian zhaodezhenjun" on the forehead. It was written by Emperor LiZongof the Song Dynasty in 1264, the fifth year of JINGDING of the Southern SongDynasty. It is 100 cm long, 50 cm wide, 5 cm x 6 cm in diameter. It's straightand regular script, and it's engraved in Yin. It's well preserved.

  In the back of the Suxian temple, there is a "Qujiang room". In 1936, thefamous patriotic generals Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng launched the "Xi'anIncident", which shocked China and foreign countries, and laid the foundationfor the second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Afterthe peaceful settlement of the incident, Chiang Kai Shek broke his faith andimprisoned General Zhang Xueliang for life. In the spring of 1938, general ZhangXueliang was imprisoned in this room. Here, the young commander wrote down thefamous sentence of "hate the sky is low, Mirs have wings, sorrow is difficult toshow". On the osmanthus tree in front of the window of the wing room where heused to live, there were also many bullet marks left by the general's drawinggun. After liberation, the wing room of General Zhang Xueliang was opened up asa patriotic education base, displaying a large number of revolutionaryhistorical documents. The wing room was also known as "Qu Jiang room", and thepavilion newly built in recent years was named "Shaoshuai Pavilion". Now enterthe general Qu's room to remember the extraordinary years that the generalexperienced.

  Standing on the "Young Marshal Pavilion", you can see the scenery fromafar. The "strangeness" of the legend of Suxian, the "Seclusion" of the ancientpine shade Road, the "masculinity" of the magnificent rivers and mountains, andthe "strangeness" of the beautiful landscapes are all beautiful with the samemind.

  重庆永川英语导游词 (四)

  Yongchuan has a long history, mountains and rivers beautiful, people's enthusiasm is good, more prosperous economy. Yongchuan because "sanhe city garden, shape such as seal letter 'and' words" the name. Tang dynasty in the 11 years of Dali period, county in 776, more than 1200 years ago. Was a metro section, yongchuan administrative office is located. Yongchuan is in the west of chongqing, 56 km away from downtown east, west, 276 km from chengdu. Chengdu-chongqing railway, chengdu-chongqing expressway across the whole territory, the Yangtze river flows through the southern tip of the calendar for yuxi and ChuanDongNa traffic, communication hub and commercial, cultural, financial, energy center. County in 776 AD, withdraw county built city, 1992, 20xx from the city divided into districts. Yongchuan is an area of 1576 square kilometers and a population of 1.09 million people, including urban area is 35.3 square kilometers, with a population of 3620xx people, the urbanization rate of 55%. In 20xx, the district regional GDP totaled 19.207 billion yuan, per capita GDP reached 20703 yuan, and local budget revenue of 1.426 billion yuan, gross industrial output value of 19 billion yuan, 7.539 billion yuan total retail sales of social consumer goods. Is the chongqing municipal planning and construction of vocational education base and a regional central city.

  Located in the west of chongqing municipality directly under the central government, yongchuan district, chongqing nine area 55 kilometers away from downtown, because "sanhe city garden, such as seal letter form 'and' words" the name, is planning counties of chongqing's third largest city, established in 1992, the market in 20xx, the building of the area the east metro, bishan, hejiang city, lugu county in the south, west to rongchang, dazu county area, the north side of tongliang. By the end of 20xx, yongchuan area resident population of 1.068 million people, including urban resident population of 648700 people, urban area is 74.73 square kilometers, the urbanization level of 61.78%, for the highest level of urbanization area outside chongqing urban Kowloon. Yongchuan traveling resources are rich, tea mountain national forest park has 4 a level scenic spot bamboo, chongqing wild animals in the world, tea and bamboo, etc., is the national excellent tourism city. Yongchuan city construction in the front rank in the city, is the regional central city of chongqing yuxi region, since ancient times for ChuanDongNa and yuxi area important hub of transportation, communication and information flow, logistics, distribution center.

  重庆永川英语导游词 (五)

  Hefei is flow during the day, very busy, but what a night of hefei look like? Let me introduce to you!

  Night, I walk on the sidewalk and watch people, some in rushing to work, some go to the supermarket, and people are walking, and chat in the street... Compared with remote and quiet village are much more lively.

  On the road, a variety of fast car. The car is like a big black mouth, light like mouth teeth around to bite you. When the red light, the car has stopped, a car, behind a lamp as each car's chain, put together by every car. On both sides of the road, the hotel ah, Internet cafes, department stores and other signs, these signs puts glorious greatly, strange shape Portuguese men-of-war: at the gate of the hotel sign is green square for a while, then becomes yellow triangle, then become a red circle. Internet bar the door of the characters the strange light, let a person see the felt afraid. Compared with the square lamp, the lamp is not important. High-rise buildings by people with the edge of white light, from a distance like a rectangle on the ground. As other buildings, and bloom of his own color. When people through buildings below, like the little people in the picture. The moon has risen into the air, hand in photograph reflect with the colorful lights, beautiful! Hefei at night is a real beauty!


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