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作者:铁秋风2023-06-13 15:42:52

导读:第1篇:高考英语教案设计 一、教学设计意图 在《高中英语新课程标准》中讲到“高中英语课程要有利于学生优化英语学习方式,使他们通过观察、体验、探究等积极主动的学习方法,... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!
















  本课教学内容是新课标《高中英语必修3 Unit 5》,Canada---The True North 与以往接触过的介绍国家的文章相比,本课的内容没有整体介绍加拿大的地理概况和风土人情,而是透过一个旅人的眼睛来看加拿大。相比较而言,这样的课文难度更大。





  一、First–reading 采用自上而下模式,侧重培养快速阅读理解能力






  1) Which was the USA’s strongest earthquakes ?

  2) How many people lost their lives and how many people lost their

  homes in the 1906 earthquake ?

  3) How many people lost their lives in the 1989 earthquake?

  4) When the 1906 earthquake happened, how many metres did the Pacific

  plate jump to the north ?

  5) How many measures(措施) can we take in order to deal with

  earthquakes ?

  6) What is " The Big One"?


  二、Second–reading 采用交互作用模式,侧重培养阅读理解综合能力

  语言心理学的图式理论认为,阅读过程是读者通过视觉器官接受以文字符号形式输入的外部代码,再结合大脑中的内部代码(即图式)进行编解码认知加工,从而理解并提取信息的过程。根据鲁姆哈特(D·Rumelhart)1977年提出的交互作用模式,这个过程实际上也即是读者大脑中自下而上与自上而下认知加工交互作用的过程。相互作用模式(the interactive model)也可称为图式理论模式(the schema theory model)。按图式阅读理论,读者的阅读能力由三种图式决定:语言图式、内容图式和形式图式。


  阅读的关键在于理解,尤其是深层理解。交互作用模式对提高学生的英语阅读综合能力能起关键的作用。借助形式图式模式,教师可引导学生弄清文章的文体思路,了解各种不同体裁的课文的结构特点。例如教"Earthquakes" 时引导学生归纳出文体思路是accidents--- causes --- solutions---- prediction。

  借助文章体裁结构帮助理解文章实际上也是一种阅读策略,同时也有助于学生下一阶段完成重建语篇的表达训练。借助内容图式,教师可启发学生寻找或利用文章上下文线索去激活自己大脑中相应的背景知识内容图式。例如教“Earthquakes”时引导学生回忆“板块学说”(plate tectonics)相关内容,将文章内容与大脑中的相关信息联系起来有助于学生更深刻理解文章的细节内容、中心思想、作者的写作态度、写作意图及文章的“弦外之音”。语言图式在阅读理解中起着基础的作用,没有语言图式,内容图式和形式图式就发挥不了作用。

  教师应结合课文内容提高学生识别文章中词、短语和句子的能力。例如教“Earthquakes”时引导学生理解“shook”、“jumped”、“stay up”等在文章中的意思。这样做,学生读懂文章的能力才会逐步提高,下一阶段进行语言知识的学习和应用才会有基础。总之,综合利用形式图式、内容图式、语言图式来指导二读课文,对提高学生阅读综合能力是必不可少的。这一阶段的教学设计主要如下:




  1) What do the first three paragraphs talk about ?

  2) What does the writer try to explain in the last paragraph of Lesson 26 ?

  3) What does the writer intend to do in the first paragraph of Lesson 27 ?

  4) Why does the writer mention "The Big One" ?

  5) If we compare the 1986 earthquake with the 1989 earthquake, what can we find ?

  6) If the 1989 earthquake had happened in the centre of town, what would have happened?

  7) Why can’t we stop earthquakes ?

  8) Do you think that San Francisco is now in danger ? Why ?

  9) How does the writer make each paragraph of the two lessons coherent (连贯的) ?

  10) What have you learned from the lessons ?

  经过二读课文及完成一些深层阅读理解问题后,学生对文章有了深刻的理解,吸收信息或利用所获得信息来分析问题和解决问题的能力也得到培养。阅读吸收信息, 吸收是为了表达。因此,教学活动的设计不应只停留在输入的层次上,应该使语言输入(听与读)和语言输出(说与写)之间产生一种平衡。运用所学语言知识以及题材信息重建语篇、提高学生语言表达能力势在必行。

  三、Post–-reading 采用自下而上模式,侧重培养知识综合运用能力







  1) Why do you think San Francisco are easily shaken by earthquakes ?

  2) Give a speech on what we should do in order to deal with earthquakes.

  3) Write a passage to report the 1989 earthquake in San Francisco.

  4) Write a short article on the 1999 earthquake in Taiwan.











  Teaching goals 教学目标

  Target language目标语言


  astronomy, atmosphere, system, violent, solid, explode, carbon, dioxide, oxygen, surface, planet, harmful, development, spread, method, depend, solar system, in time, prevent…from, depend on


  1.What it was to become was a mystery until the dust began to slowly combine into a ball moving around the sun. P25

  2.It’s exploded loudly with fire and rock, which were in time to produce the water vapour, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen and other gases, which were to make the earth’s atmosphere. P25

  3.It allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases, which had become part of the earth’s atmosphere, into the oceans and seas. P25

  4.Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved. P26

  Ability goals 能力目标

  a. Enable Ss to talk about the science of the stars, the development of life and space travel and gravity

  Where do we come from?

  How did the universe begin?

  Why is the universe the way it was?

  How will it end?

  How much do you know about universe?

  Do you want to have a space travel?

  Do you know something about gravity?

  b. Understand the text and answer the following questions:

  1. What was there on the earth before life could begin?

  2. Why do scientists think there has never been life on the moon?

  3. Why did animals first appear in the seas?

  4. Why did green plants help life to develop?

  5. Why were mammals different from other animals?

  c. Enable the Ss to understand the details about the passage, choosing the correct answer according to the text and put the order of development of life into a time line and answer questions.

  d. Retell the passage using key sentences.

  Learning ability goals 学能目标

  Enable Ss learn how to talk about the beginning of life on the earth.


  Teaching important points教学重点

  a. Talk about the beginning of life on the earth.

  Why did animals first appear in the seas?

  Why did green plants help life to develop?

  b. Discuss the order of development of life

  Teaching difficult points教学难点

  a. Understand the beginning of life on the earth.

  b. Discuss the questions:

  What will our future be if the earth may become too hot for the lives on it?

  Why are humans the cleverest animals on the earth?



  Study aims and demands:

  1. To learn some words and exp ressions.

  2. To have a full understanding of the text.

  3. To have a discussion about the characters in the text.


  1. To learn some words and exp ressions.

  2. To have a full understanding of the text.

  3. To have a discussion about the characters in the text.


  Study aims and demands:

  1. To learn some words and exp ressions.

  2. To have a full understanding of the text.

  3. To have a discussion about the characters in the text.

  Step 3: Careful-reading

  1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

  ⑴ Where does Henry Adams come from? Does he know much about London?

  ⑵ What did he do in America?

  ⑶ Can you imagine what happened when Henry went to the American Embassy ?

  Give your reasons.

  2. Do three multiple choices

  (1). What happened to Mr. Adams before he landed in Britain?

  A. He just sailed out of the bay for a travel

  B. He planned to go to Britain by his own boat.

  C. His boat was broken by a strong w ind.

  D. His boat was carried out to sea by a strong wind.

  (2). What did Mr. Adams feel when he heard one of the brothers saying “What luck! Brother! What luck!”?

  A. He felt he was lucky, too.

  B. He thought they laughed at him.

  C. He was a bit of angry and was ready to leave.

  D. He felt the two brothers would help him.

  (3). What did Mr. Adams ask for from the two brothers?

  A. A house to stay for a short moment.

  B. A letter with a bank note worth million pound.

  C. An honest job.

  D. Charit y from the two brothers.

  Step 4: Comprehending:

  1. Why and how did Henry land inBritain?

  2. How did Henry’s feelings change dur ing the conversation?

  Find an adjective in the list to complete each sentence.

  Step 5:Consolidation ------Retell the story

  Step 6: Discussion

  1. What kind of person do you think Henry is?

  2. Why do you think that the brothers chose Henry for their bet?

  Ste p 7: Prediction:

  1. What do you think will happen to Henr y?

  2. Will the bank-note help him o r get him into trouble?



  1. Read the text again and pat attention to the difference between British English and American English.

  2. Underline some important words and phrases.



  1. 语言知识目标:

  1) 能掌握以下单词: newspaper, use, soup, wash, movie, just


  ① —What are you doing? —I'm watching TV.

  ② —What's he doing? —He's using the computer.

  ③ —What are they doing? —They're listening to a CD.

  ④ —This is Jenny. —It's Laura here.

  2) 能掌握语法:现在进行时态的用法。

  3) 能运用所学的知识,描述人们正在干的事情。


  1. 教学重点:

  1) 词汇、词组搭配和现在进行时的用法。能用现在进行时的各种形式进行准确的描述和表达正在发生的动作。

  2) 能掌握现在进行时态及一些表示具体动作的词组搭配,如: doing homework, using the computer, watching TV, eating dinner… 等

  2. 教学难点:





  Ⅰ. Warming-up and Lead in

  1. Greet the Ss and check the homework.

  2. Watch a video program.

  Ⅱ. Presentation

  1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Present the new words and expressions.

  2. Ss watch and learn the new words and expressions.

  3. Give Ss some time and try to remember the new words and expressions.

  4. (Show some pictures on the screen and ask some students to perform the actions.)

  e.g. T: What are you doing?

  S: I am doing homework. (Help him/her to answer)

  T: What is he /she doing?

  Ss: He /she is doing homework.

  Teach: watching TV, cleaning, reading a book, eating dinner, talking on the phone...as the same way.

  5. Work on 1a. Ss read the activities and look at the pictures. Then match the activities with pictures.

  6. Check the answers with the Ss.

  Ⅲ. Game (guess)

  1. T: Now let's play a game. What's she/he doing? You must watch the big screen carefully.

  (Show some pictures on the big screen quickly) Let Ss guess what's he/she is doing?

  2. Ss watch and guess the actions.

  3. Ask and answer about the pictures.

  —What's he/she doing?

  —He's/She's …

  Ⅳ. Listening

  1. T: What are Jenny, John, Dave and Mary doing? Now let’s listen to the tape, find out the right activities from 1a.

  2. Play the recording for the Ss twice.

  3. Ss listen to the recording and write the numbers from 1a.

  Ⅴ. Pair work

  1. Ask the Ss to read the conversations in 1c with a partner. Then look at the pictures in 1a. And conversations about other person in the picture.

  2. Ss make conversations by themselves and practice the conversations.

  Ⅵ. Listening

  1. Work on 2a;

  T: Jack and Steve are talking on the phone. What are they doing now? Listen to the conversations and match the answers with the questions.

  (Play the recording for the first time, students only listen carefully. Then, listen to the recording again, and match the answers with the questions. )

  Check the answers.

  2. Work on 2b.

  Let Ss read the conversation in 2b first. Then play the recording for the Ss twice.

  The first time Ss only listen and write down the words in the blanks. Then play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers. (If necessary, press the Pause button to help.)

  Ⅶ. Pair work

  1. Now, role-play the conversation with your partners.

  2. Let some pairs to act out the conversation in front of the class.

  Ⅷ. Role-play

  1. Ask Ss to read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions below.

  ① Are Jenny and Laura talking on the phone?

  (Yes, they are.)

  ② What's Laura doing now?

  (She's washing her clothes.)

  ③ What's Jenny doing?

  (She's watching TV.)

  ④ When do they meet at Jenny's home?

  (At half past six.)

  2. Ss read the conversation and answer the questions above.

  3. Check the answers with the Ss.

  4. Let Ss work in pairs and role-play the conversation.


  1. Review the words and expressions in this period.

  2. Understand the knowledge about the present progressive tense.

  3. Make five sentences on what are you doing now.


  本课时主要是通过展示家庭居室结构,让学生学习各个房间的英文名称study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen. 家是每个学生最熟悉的地方,学生要学会运用本课所学知识来简单描述自己的家,结合学过的语言描述各个房间。

  “Let's do”部分的教学是结合“Let's learn”中所学过的单词进行扩展,让学生知道一些相关单词的指示用语。让学生在听懂这些用语的基础上,进行模仿和听、做活动。还可设计多种课堂活动,使学生掌握这一部分的内容,同时激发学生学习英语的兴趣。



  2.能听、说、认读本课主要单词:study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen,并能在日常生活中运用。

  3.能听懂Let's do中的指示语,并按照指令作出相应的动作。


  1、听、说、认读单词:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen。



  单词study, bathroom, bedroom的发音。


  引导法 启发法 直观教学法


  小组合作学习法 讨论学习法 自主学习法


  1 Warm-up/Revision




  2 Presentation

  1、出示study 的图片,手指着书房里的书问学生:What are they? 教读单词 study, 并板书。

  教师用动作帮助学生理解词义:We read the books in the study.

  2、按照相同方法,教授单词 bathroom, living room, bedroom.

  3、师把第46页Let’s learn部分的挂图贴到黑板上说:This is my home. How many rooms can you see? What are they?


  学生回答提问:They are books 并跟老师认读study。

  学生依次回答问题并跟老师认读单词bathroom, living room, bedroom.


  听录音,跟读Let’s do部分。

  3 Practice

  出示练习题 习题练习并拓展

  教学内容与教师的活动 媒体的运用学生的活动 教师进行逻辑选择


  1、 学生评价:以小组为单位完成老师所提出的问题,然后进行小组交流,组内进行互评。

  2、 教师评价:教师对完成情况进行适当正确的评价,并给与激励性 的语言,手势。




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