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作者:雪代巴2023-06-13 11:52:28

导读:中考英语学生复习教案 (篇1) Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball? Section A The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands教学目标 1. Learn some new wor... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!


  中考英语学生复习教案 (篇1)

  Unit 1 Playing Sports

  Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball?

  Section A

  The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。

  Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands教学目标

  1. Learn some new words and phrases:

  almost, against, term, cheer, cheer … on, team, win, row, quite, bit, quite a bit / a lot, join, club, skate, volleyball, tennis, table tennis

  2. Learn some useful sentences:

  (1)I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays.

  (2)Would you like to come and cheer us on?

  3. Learn the future tense with be going to:

  (1)We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday.

  (2)Are you going to join the school rowing club?

  4. Talk about preferences:

  —Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing?

  —I prefer rowing.

  5. Talk about sports and games.

  Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


  Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

  Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)


  1. (展示一些有关运动的图片,并通过师生对话,引出新的运动项目名称。)

  T:Welcome back to school, boys and girls. The new term begins. This is our first English lesson this term. Did you enjoy yourselves during your summer holidays? What did you do during your holidays? Did you do sports during your summer holidays?




  T: We all know doing sports is good for our health. Now let’s review some sports and learn some new ones.


  T:Look at the picture. Do you know what they are doing? S1, please.

  S1:They are playing basketball.

  T:Do you like playing basketball?

  S1:Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

  T:How many players are there in the basketball team?



  S1:There are five players.


  T:What are they doing? S2, do you know?

  S2: They are playing volleyball. (教师帮助该生回答。)



  (用同样的方式引出生词cycle, row, skate, tennis, table tennis, ski。)

  (板书,并让学生跟读,要求学生理解cycle, ski;掌握row, skate, tennis, table tennis。)

  cycle, row, skate, tennis, table tennis, ski

  2. (用黑板上有关运动的生词操练,导出prefer的用法。)

  T:Which sport do you like better, cycling or rowing?

  S3: Rowing.

  T:Good! The phrase “like … better” means “prefer”.


  中考英语学生复习教案 (篇2)


  1. 掌握重点句型:How was your vacation?Where did you go? Did you go out with anyone?

  2. 理解并掌握几个不定代词:anyone, everyone, something, anything, everything, nothing的用法。

  3. 熟练运用句型:Did you …?






  掌握句型:Where did you go on vacation? Did you go out with anyone? Did you buy anything? Did you visit anyone?


  能用句型Did you …?提出尽可能多的有关过去假期的问题。








  Step 1 Greetings

  Greet the class as usual.

  Step 2 Revision

  Ask the students to look at the picture on Page 1 and make conversations, using the sentence pattern: —Where did you go on vacation? —I went to the mountains. —Did you go with anyone? —Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

  Step 3 Role play

  The teacher acts as Rick and ask a student to act as Helen and practice the dialogue of 2d on Page 2. Then ask the students to practice in pairs and finally ask two or three pairs to act it out.

  Step 4 Grammar Focus

  Review the grammar box. Ask students to say the questions and answers.

  Review the difference between regular –ed past tense verbs (stay –stayed, visit-visited) and irregular past tense verbs (go –went, buy-bought). Then get the students to ask and answer the questions and answers in pairs.

  Step 5 Game

  Ask one student to act as the teacher and ask some individual students questions. Get as many students as possible to be the teacher.

  Then ask the students to pay attention to the words: no one, anyone, everyone, something, nothing, anything.

  Step 6 Practice

  3a Fill in the blanks with the words in the box and practice the conversation.

  3b Fill in the blanks in the e-mail mestudentsage with the words in the box.

  After checking the answers, get the students to read them aloud.

  Step 7 Group work

  Make a survey. Ask the students to make a survey by asking the questions about their last vacation: Did you eat anything at a reastaurant? Did you read anything interesting? ….Make sure the students practice the dialogues again and again and write down the results in the form. Then ask some students to report their results.

  Step 8 Homework

  Ask your classmates as many questions about their last vacation as possible.

  中考英语学生复习教案 (篇3)


  总共100课时:授课 课时 复习 课时

  测试 课时 机动 课时


  The goal:

  The goal of Go for it is to make language a step-by-step progression that builds confidence and leads to open-ended activities where students can actively relate learning to their personal lives.

  Go For It! 是以《英语课程标准》为依据,以学生的英语语言综合运用能力为目标。不仅以语言知识、语言技能为重点,而且更注重学生的学习策略、情感态度和文化意识。教学内容的处理和取舍灵活开放, 只要教师从学生的实际水平和语言能力出发,任何教学内容的调整或取舍,任何教学步骤的安排都是可行的。“I sometimes go to the last to do the group work first…It depends on the teachers’ knowledge of the students actual language ability…”(David Nunan);提倡教师结合学生实际,充分利用学生、教师本身和环境中一切可以利用的资源,丰富教学内容,创造运用英语的机会,注意多渠道开发教学资源。 “Don’t use just the textbook. Anything in real life that connect and appropriate to the lesson can be used as teaching resources.”(David Nunan);提倡任务型语言教学,教学进度整体把握,教学形式不拘一格;课堂以学生为主体,以任务为主线,重视体验参与,课后访谈调查,读写扎记,重视语言运用;正视个体差异,倡导过程激励,以多层次、多角度、多主体的结果与过程并重的评价方式激励进步。

  The key points of each unit:

  Topic Functions Structures

  U 1 Making new friends Introduce yourself

  Greet people

  Ask for and give telephone numbers Present tense to be

  What questions

  Prossessive adjectives:my,your,his,her

  U2 Things in the classroom

  Identify ownerships Demonstratives:this,that

  What questions and Yes/No questions

  How do you spell pen?

  U3 The family Introduce people

  Identify people Demonstratives:these,those

  Subject pronouns:I,he,she

  Yes/No questions

  Plural nouns

  U4 Things around the house Talk about where things are Where questions and Yes/No questions

  Prepositions: on,in,under

  Subject pronouns: they

  U5 Spending time with friends Ask and answer questions about ownership

  Make suggestions Present tense to have

  Yes/No questions and short answers: let’s

  Adjectives of quality


  Food Talk about likes and dislikes Present tense to like

  Yes/No questions and short answers

  Affirmative and negative statements


  Shopping Ask about prices

  Talk about clothing

  Thank someone Demonstratives:this,that,these,those

  How much questions


  Dates Talk about dates When questions

  Prossessive “s”

  How old are you?


  Movies Talk about preferences

  Make plans Present tense to want

  Yes/No questions and short answers:

  Adjectives of quality

  U10 Joining a club Talk about abilities Modal verb can

  Yes/No questions and short answers:

  Affirmative and negative statements

  What questions

  U11 Daily routines Talk about daily routines

  Ask about and say times When questions

  What time is it?

  Adverbs of frequency

  U 12 School subjects Talk about preferences

  Give reasons What questions

  Why questions

  Who questions

  Adjectives of quality

  中考英语学生复习教案 (篇4)

  教学目标 学习称呼语和问候语

  教学重点 打招呼用语

  教学难点 如何正确运用打招呼用语

  教具 多媒体、录音机 课时 1

  教学课程 1. Greeting.

  2. Warming-up

  T: Class,Please stand up. Hello, class.

  S: Hello, Ms…

  T: Sit down please.

  S: Thank you.

  3. Drills

  (1) 练习打招呼问好。

  (2) 练习感谢他人。

  (3) 练习告别语Goodbye。

  4. Practise

  1)Work in pairs part7 and part8

  2) Complete the sentences.

  Daming, ______ ______, please(请坐)

  _____,______ (同学们好)


  _______,_______ (谢谢), Miss Li.

  _______(再见), Lucy.

  5. Conclude

  6. Homework

  Complete part5 and part 6 个人修改


  中考英语学生复习教案 (篇5)

  1.乘坐何种交通工具的表达法,除了 by bike/bus/ car/ jeep/ train/ boat/ ship/ plane外,还有 by land(陆路), by river (水路), by sea (海路)和 by air(航空)。这些仅要求理解。



  answer, thank, work(v. +n.) home (n.+ adv.)

  welcome (adj.+ interj. +vt.) one (num. + pron.)

  there (adv. + interj.) so (pron. +conj.)

  4.fifth (第五)是将基数词five的后两个字母ve改为f,再加上后缀-th构成的。

  eighth(第八)因为基数词 eight的最后一个字母是 t,加后缀-th时,只加 h。

  5.parent常用复数 parents,意思“双亲”、“父母亲”(father and mother),用单数要有上下文,如:

  To have good children one must be a good parent.要有好孩子,你必须是个好母亲或好父亲。

  6. And the air today is nice and clean.而且今天的空气很清新。

  在口语中,连词and可放句首,表示说话者要说的另外一件事,起承上启下的作用。nice and在口语中表示“非常……,实在……”的意思。


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