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我爱我家 I Love My Family

作者:Admin2020-11-25 22:13:31

导读:The original family matters so much for a child and I am so lucky to born in a harmonious family. The love and care from my parents make me a stronger person. I am so grateful for the things that I have owned and the lesson I have learned f... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《我爱我家 I Love My Family》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  The original family matters so much for a child and I am so lucky to born in a harmonious family. The love and care from my parents make me a stronger person. I am so grateful for the things that I have owned and the lesson I have learned from my parents will be the great treasure.


  The first thing my parents taught me was that family was my safe harbor all the time. When a child made a mistake, he was usually afraid of telling his parents, because the elder would blame him and then criticized him. But my parents educated me that no matter what kind of difficulty I met. They should be the first persons I asked for help. So even though they would criticize me for making mistakes, I felt safe to tell them.


  The second thing I learned from my parents was the family reunion. My parents pay special attention to the family relationship, so they spend a lot of time visiting my grandparents, no matter how busy they are. So I know the importance of keeping touch with my families.


  I love my family, which provides me a comfortable world.


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编辑特别推荐:生活是简单的(Life Is simple)谈谈你对支教现象的看法(Aid Education in China)可视化的未来(Visualizing the Future)幽默感是非常重要的(Sense of humor is very important )空气污染(Air Pollution), 欢迎阅读,共同成长!

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