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作者:Admin2022-08-30 20:43:07

导读:篇一:Everyone is equal In a society that advocates equality for all, some egalitarians argue that the number of male and female students should be equal in academic research. This question seems to be full of controversy, and if asked h... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!


  篇一:Everyone is equal

  In a society that advocates equality for all, some egalitarians argue that the number of male and female students should be equal in academic research. This question seems to be full of controversy, and if asked how to calculate, I would be skeptical, because it is too much to achieve.




  This is a small joke. Smile. Do you also think that in front of the so-called opportunities, luck and destiny that many people regard as "God", many "a Niu" have been so restless, and finally complain about our life, but we have been longing for opportunities.

  Just like the stories around us, we often don't know what we want or what it will be Well, when opportunities come, they are often not ready. Occasionally, there are a lot of luck to seize opportunities, but they end up because they can't catch the next luck, or they don't have enough ability and endurance to enlarge, stick to the end, and never give up. Before success, everyone will have good luck, but everyone is equal before the opportunity, but whether they can seize the opportunity may be unequal If you want to help, you must first help yourself.

  This is the proof of an old Chinese saying: Heaven helps yourself.




  Everyone has an ideal. Everyone strives for his ideal and strives hard. Everyone has his own reason.

  As long as there is a goal, no matter how steep the road is, it will become a lamp on the road of a flat ideal. If there is no ideal, our road will be uneven. There are billions of people, right There are a lot of unfair men in the world.

  If you play a woman, the man who goes to the court will surely win the lawsuit. Why is it because the man has a job, the rich woman has no money, the man has the money to hire a lawyer, and you can also find a fake, so the woman will lose. If the man wins, if I become a lawyer in the future, I will not see the unfair things happen.




编辑特别推荐:初一英语作文范文:Good Neighbours新年拜年的英语短作文关于端午节英语作文关于愚人节的英语作文家规英语作文, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!

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