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我想去的地方 The Place I Want to Go To

作者:Admin2022-06-01 16:54:57

导读:I like watching TV series, especially theose about the dynasty, because I am attracted by the grand building. The Forbidden City is always showed in the TV. It is big, and presents our countrys history. So I want to go to Beijing to see thi... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《我想去的地方 The Place I Want to Go To》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  I like watching TV series, especially theose about the dynasty, because I am attracted by the grand building. The Forbidden City is always showed in the TV. It is big, and presents our country’s history. So I want to go to Beijing to see this place. I think someday I will realize this dream and I have make some plans.


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