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作者:Admin2021-12-21 09:30:25

导读:我们每天有七节课,早上四节,下午三节。我在家吃午饭。下面是作文录小编给大家精心挑选的初一英语作文我的一天简单,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! 篇一:初一英语作文我的一... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!




  This morning, I got up early. I dressed first, then I made my bed, and then I brushed my teeth. When you brush your teeth, your mouth is covered with white, white bubbles, like a white-flowered beard. If you wear a Santa hat, it's like a Santa Claus. After brushing my teeth, I go to breakfast. Then, I carry my bag and go to school happily.

  On the way, I saw the trumpets, and they opened a large, pink, white, and purple, like a trumpet. I can't help but pick a beautiful trumpet flower. I hopped and hopped to school. Oh, I came very early today. Our teacher hasn't come yet. I'm glad to be here before my teacher.

  I thought: today must be a happy day.





  Today, my mother and I, zhao junfeng, and his aunt, we went to the beidaihe sightseeing park.

  Enter a gate, I saw the long loofah vine hovering on the core, like a dragon, long silk than I am like a claw of the dragon, there are many gourds, like a gourd brothers to fight with him.

  Before I knew it, I walked out of the greenhouse. Then I saw a big fountain and there were many goldfish in the water. In a pond there is a three bridge, I walked a easiest bridge, there is a root on my delivery oh the rope, I hold the rope, step by step forward in nearly fell into the water.

  Can my uncles and aunts and bungee jumping ratio, to my surprise, they jump from the fifth floor of the roof platform, the following is Dai He, there is a spring rope tied their feet, jump, there is a boat on the river will meet him, and when he fell into the boat, meet the person they untied the rope on legs. I admire their boldness.

  I also try to go the heart lock bridge, cable lock, there are many heart lock, my feet board, wobbly, board is Dai He under, the depth of my heart no fear thoughts, really want to, I sigh blunt past, it's really breathtaking!

  The other side is some entertainment project, have a motorcycle, I am curious to sit up, aunt to tell me how to ride, after I learned with helmets, riding a motorcycle, twisting engine, refueling door, sou... Really fast!

  We went on, and there was the cardin project, and I was bold enough to take the challenge, and zhao was in front of me, refusing to allow me to overtake the car. I no slow down in a corner, a sigh over him, the in the mind some nervous, well, not crash, after a while I successful trapping him again, I won.

  After, I went to the zoo, there are many small animals there, little monkey is eating bananas, the little goats across the bridge and the dog pull rod is one of the most beautiful, three is the dog jump down on the first, and then jump a few laps, the other dog pulling car, around a circle, the performance of the dog jumped up by car.

  We went to the folk court, saw the little donkey, and saw a lot of blue and white bowls. They were worth a lot of money. There, I know a lot of knowledge.

  What fun it is!


编辑特别推荐:初一英语作文范文:Good Neighbours新年拜年的英语短作文关于端午节英语作文关于愚人节的英语作文家规英语作文, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!

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