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我同学生病的那天 The Day My Classmate Fell Ill(or Got inhured)

作者:Admin2021-12-02 16:29:20

导读:我同学生病的那天 the day my classmate fell ill(or got inhured) last year,a terrible flu spread the whole city.one of my dormmates,sunlin,was struck down by the virus.he ran a high fever,and through the body.and he could not eat anyt... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《我同学生病的那天 The Day My Classmate Fell Ill(or Got inhured)》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  我同学生病的那天 the day my classmate fell ill(or got inhured)

  last year,a terrible flu spread the whole city.one of my dormmates,sunlin,was struck down by the virus.he ran a high fever,and through the body.and he could not eat anything and seemed to become more ill each day.we were so worried that we realised that something must be done to help sun lin out of his agony.we sent him to the university clinics and paid for the treatment and medicine with money from our life maintenance.

  the news quickly reached everybody in our class.at first,some students were afaid that they could be inflected too.fortunately,everyone thought they should try theur best to help him.some teachers provided daily necessities and some students recorded the english classfor him so that sun lin could keep up with his study.with everybody's care and help,sun lin soon was able to be up and about and come back to the class.

  from this event,we all learned that our society is full of love,warmand peacefull,in which people wehter man or woman,young or old,are always to redy to do others afavor.just like a famous song goes,"the world will turn into heaven only everyone contributea s little."and i do believe that this maxim will live forever.

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