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作者:Admin2020-08-18 11:31:32

导读:Widespread use of smart phone and social media has changed in no small measure our way of communication, of shopping and of learning. We used to be vocal about the benefits that new technologies brought: they will lead to unprecedented job... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!


  Widespread use of smart phone and social media has changed in no small measure our way of communication, of shopping and of learning. We used to be vocal about the benefits that new technologies brought: they will lead to unprecedented job growth, support the economy and improve the quality of our lives. But it's hard to ignore the growing public apathy in chatting with our friends in person. Regardless of the enormous amount of photos shared on Face book, modern city dwellers grow detached from their immediate surroundings and fail to realize that codes and digits can never provide the human touch that we yearn for.




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