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碧峰峡之旅 A trip to the Bifeng Gorge

作者:Admin2020-09-04 10:38:44

导读:I remember my first trip to the Bifeng Gorge in 2010.I went there with my mother. We went to Chengdu by train first, and then we set off in the morning. It took us 2 hours get there. 我仍记得2010年我的第一次碧峰峡之旅。我是和... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《碧峰峡之旅 A trip to the Bifeng Gorge》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  I remember my first trip to the Bifeng Gorge in 2010.I went there with my mother. We went to Chengdu by train first, and then we set off in the morning. It took us 2 hours get there.


  We visited the zoo at Bifeng Gorge. I found a beautiful bird in the cage. Its feather is colorful. I saw my favorite animal, pandas. They are so lazy but look cute very much. They were sleeping when I looked at them. Next, we began to climb the Bifeng Gorge. My mother let me take a lot of pictures for her, so I had to hold the camera. But finally, we climbed to the top where I could have a good view of mountains and forests. I felt well in the natural fascinating place. I had a good time there.


  We returned Zigong at the next night. It was such an exciting trip that I would never forget.


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