导读:春天里的发现英语日记 春天来啦!春天来啦!校园里迎春花开了、柳树发芽了、小草从地下探出头来,我们在操场做操的时候,不会像冬天那样把手缩到衣服里去,而是热得把衣服脱掉... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!
Spring is coming! Spring is coming! Spring flowers are blooming in the campus, willows are sprouting, and grass is sticking out of the ground。 When we do exercises in the playground, we will not shrink our hands into our clothes as we do in winter, but take off our clothes because of the heat。 The ice in the pond has melted, and the fish are swimming happily in it。 Spring is like a magician, and it suddenly changes our cotton padded jacket, Spring wakes up many plants。 I like spring so much!
编辑特别推荐:五一日记100字,五一家务劳动的日记,关于五一的优秀日记,五一放假的日记150字,小学三年级五一日记, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!