导读:The youth obesity is the very severe problem in America, because of the fast food culture. Long time ago, since the company created fast food, it was favored by people soon. But today, as more experts criticize the unhealthy eating style. F... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!
此文《快餐公司面临压力 Fast Food Company Is Under Pressure》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!
The youth obesity is the very severe problem in America, because of the fast food culture. Long time ago, since the company created fast food, it was favored by people soon. But today, as more experts criticize the unhealthy eating style. Fast food company is under great pressure, but it still gets over the crisis.
Everybody knows that eating fast food is not good for their health, but still a lot of people choose to eat it. On the one hand, it is very convenient. Especially for the office workers, they like to go to the fast food restaurant and enjoy lunch time. On the other hand, some fast food brands such as Mcdonald’s provides people comfortable environment. People can just sit there, play with computer all the time. For the families, there is a play zone for the children. How nice it is.
Healthy diet is advocated nowadays, and more people refuse to eat fast food, which leads to bankrupt of many fast food companies. But the leading brands are still favored by people, as the managers seek for the creation and catch their fans.
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