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我的家乡 My Hometown

作者:Admin2021-04-02 10:54:30

导读:Hometown is the place where a person belongs. Chinese people have special feelings about their hometown. No matter where they go, they wont abandon it and always make some time to visit. My hometown brings me so many happy memories and I wi... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《我的家乡 My Hometown》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  Hometown is the place where a person belongs. Chinese people have special feelings about their hometown. No matter where they go, they won’t abandon it and always make some time to visit. My hometown brings me so many happy memories and I wish it could keep its original face forever.


  Two years ago, I lived in my hometown. It is a small village, so people there get familiar with each other. When we walked on the country road, everyone smiled when we saw each other. There was no distance for us. In the daytime, I liked to go boating in the small river with my friends, or sometimes I could catch fish. The green trees around me and I could hear the birds singing all the time. It was a paradise for me.


  However, even the small paradise can’t avoid being polluted seriously. The environment is no more clean, the river becomes smaller and the water is so dirty. When I see this, I feel so pity. If we lose the clean land, how can we survive for long. Protecting the environment is in need.


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编辑特别推荐:生活是简单的(Life Is simple)谈谈你对支教现象的看法(Aid Education in China)可视化的未来(Visualizing the Future)幽默感是非常重要的(Sense of humor is very important )空气污染(Air Pollution), 欢迎阅读,共同成长!

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