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温暖 Warm

作者:Admin2021-04-02 10:47:58

导读:The world is beautiful, not only because of the beautiful scenery, but also of the warm stories that happen among people. It is love, which is the forever theme for human being that makes us to live in a harmonious environment. We appreciat... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《温暖 Warm》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  The world is beautiful, not only because of the beautiful scenery, but also of the warm stories that happen among people. It is love, which is the forever theme for human being that makes us to live in a harmonious environment. We appreciate the love theme and feel moved by the warm acts.


  Many years ago, the news reported a woman donated a lot of money to the school every year and she did not use her real name. Her acts were moved so many people and everybody wanted to know her name, but she refused the media’s interview. Today, when people talk about her, they used her code name and they praise a nice person by using this name.


  There are so many small warm acts around us, such as taking care of the old people, or protecting the environment. Love is inherited from generation to generation, which makes the world better. Nowadays, when a poor people get badly sick, they can college the money from the Internet. With the help of the public, they can get better treatment.


  The warm acts dominate the main role and we see the positive power.


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